Part Ninety Nine

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It's the night before I leave for Paris and Aston surprised me this afternoon with a 'leaving' party at one of his favourite London clubs. It was a bit over the top I'm not gonna lie, but it's a great opportunity to be able to see everyone before I leave.

My suitcases were both packed and sat in the living room, waiting for me to put them into the taxi tomorrow morning, Aston always gave them a dirty look when he walked past which was quite funny actually.

For tonight, I'd decided on my pale pink creased pencil skirt with a matching crop top, paired with my pink heels and styled my hair so that it was straight with one half down my back and the other half over my shoulders.

"You ready Luce?" Aston asked, walking out of the wardrobe wearing a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a beige three-quarter sleeved shirt with matching braces.

"Yep, just about." I muttered, slipping on my pandora bracelet.

"Alright then, let's go." He sighed, slipping his wallet into his pocket.

"Hey," I said, grabbing his arm as he walked past. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm okay." He chuckled as I looped my arms around his neck, his instantly winding around my waist.

"I'm going to miss you too." I said quietly after a minute of staring into his eyes, being able to see straight through him.

"How did you-?" He frowned before I cut him off.

"Easy." I smirked before standing up on my tiptoes to kiss him, his arms tightening around my waist.

"I love you so much." Aston smiled as we pulled away.

"I love you too." I giggled before Aston pulled me closer to him so that he could press his lips against mine once more, his hands moving from waist to my hair as the kiss got more passionate.

As our lips moved in sync, my hands moved from being locked behind his neck to grasping onto his braces. None of the kisses in our history have ever been this passionate, or urgent. Which was silly because I'm going to be coming back in three months.

"Now we really need to go." Aston breathed as we eventually parted.

"Not just yet," I giggled, placing my hands on his shoulders to stop him from moving. "You've got a bit of lipstick,"

"All done?" He asked as I wiped away the lipstick from his mouth with my thumb.

"Yeah, it's all done." I giggled as he took my hand and gave it a quick squeeze as we left our room.

Making sure we turned off all the lights and locked everywhere, we then jumped into our taxi that was outside waiting for us. When we arrived at the club, everyone was already there enjoying themselves with more than enough drinks. Aston left me with everyone whilst he went go and get us some drinks, telling me that I wasn't paying for a thing tonight.

The night went on and we were all having so much fun, just dancing, talking and drinking; not worrying about anything or thinking about anything else.

"You know," JJ slurred as he hung his arm over my shoulder. "I'm really gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too Jay." I giggled before taking a sip out of my vodka and coke.

"And you know, he's gutted you're leaving." He hiccuped as he pointed at Aston.

"I'm coming back though." I frowned as he shrugged his shoulders.

"But he loves you, like, loads. I've never ever seen him like this with a girl before."

"You're pissed Jay." I giggled as he shook his head.

"Maybe, but he does really love you. And you wanna know a secret?" He asked as I rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

"He's gonna marry you." He slurred down my ear as my eyes widened.

"What?" I spluttered as JJ nodded his head. "Really?"

"Yeah, got a ring and everything." He told me before stumbling back over to the table to get another drink.

Is what JJ said true or was he just rambling on drunkenly? There's no way it could be true, could it?...Aston was going to propose?

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