Chapter 1

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A/n: The gods will be breaking the fourth wall for they will be characters yet like narrators as well. Each god has its special thing so you know what god is saying what. Eessis the god of nature will be written in bold. Varnos the god of order will be written in italics. Theznos the god of life will be underlined. I will also interact with the gods because why not so as the author Everything I say will be in all three. Now, I'll have this at the beginning of every chapter so don't worry too much about remembering it. Also, I know I have a ton of new and special spelled names but say them how ever you please for their is so specific way of saying them.


There are six lands to this realm. In the beginning, the lands thrived and live in harmony. That was until the Kaharas come. Dark wicked beings set on ruling all the lands. They are tall creatures with no definite shape. They appear to just be a mix of black and dark purple smoke, with large swirled sharp horns, and razor-sharp claws for hands, They are a matter not of this realm and little is even known about them. They currently rule in a castle deep within Peaglegar where none can find them.

When they laid their iron grip upon the land the realm slowly started to die. Crops grow more scarce, water is harder to find, and many more things. The result of the Kaharas tainting the realm the creatures of the land grew more desperate and vicious of these sprouted wars. Now in an act to stop the wars and find a way to heal the tainted earth the gods, Eesis God of nature, Varnos God of order, and Theznos God of life built gates around all six lands to separate them all and stop the war for the time being.

The six lands where Fellas, Ionnanys, Peaglegar, Glidospea, Brissinia, and Kayenara. Of these lands, three humble creatures who deeply care for their land and the others; unlike most at this point. One of these creatures live in the land of Brissinia. Brissinia is a beautiful land full of lush forests, wonderest waterfalls, and the most exotic and beautiful flowers of the land. Thought it's constantly dark do the foliage of the forest trees all the creatures of Brissinia love the darkness and thrive in it.

Now, this creatures name is Ivokelis and he is from Rutrot which is located in the west of Brissinia. Now, Ivokelis is a short man with short brown hair and dark forest green eyes. He has quite pale skin seeing as he's from Rutrot and they don't get much sunlight theirs. He has a large fox-like snout for he is a hunter like most in his land. He has small claw-like fingernails and an extra tough layer of skin on the bottom of their feet. He has large black eyes for seeing in the dark forest in which he lives. He wears dark green and brown  cloths to hide with his land. He is highly trained with a bow and daggers and can run up to 50 miles per hour. Though he is highly susceptible to the light.

The next creatures name is Anutosh and he is from Hilgo which is found in the southeast part of Glidospea. Hilgo is the land of tall mountains draped in lush white snow. It is the coldest of all the lands so it people can resist more cold than most. Anutosh is of average height, long albino white hair and pale skin. He has small like cat ears and a cat-like snout. He has claw-like nails and Bright blue eyes. He wears heavy leather clothes from a beast in Hilgo. He can see forty feet ahead of himself but only in the day time. He uses Ice related magic which is cast my hand signs he has learned throughout the years. His people aren't kind to the Drearon's thought he doesn't understand what's so bad about them. He would never let his people or others know this though for if his people find out he would be cast away.

Now, the final creature is Ozorhon. Ozorhan is from Drearon and is very proud of it. Now Drearon is located in the center of Ionnays and is a land of rock and lava much like what humans would call hell. It is covered in volcanoes, dark rocks, lava, and dragons though this doesn't seem to bother the clans that live there. He is tall with dark skin and hair. He has large wolf-like ears and a tail. Much like the Kaharas, he has talon like fingers and two sharp horns. He has deep glowing red eyes, short hair, and a normal human face. He wears dark red and black clothes made from the dragon skins from his land. He can see in the dark and can cast fire-related spells by speaking small incantations. He is susceptible to the cold. Much like Anutosh, his clan isn't very fond of Hilgo's though he is what humans would call the black sheep for these are not his beliefs. He can't share this with anyone of course for his punishment for liking the Hilgo's is death by a dragon which let me tell you it's a really painful way to go.

Now I know what you may be thinking "Wow that a bit harsh no?" Yes, it is but I do not control the way my creatures rule their land and nor does Varnos. These are the free-willed choices of are creations and it is something no god shall meddle in.

Theznos we should get back to the matter at hand no?

Yes, you are right. Now we must each pick a creature to aide and guide throughout this battle and as you may have seen the author has a great line up for us to pick from. So, since Varnos is second in command under e he shall pick first then you Theznos and then finally me. So, who shall it be Vernos?

I'll take Ivokelis seeing that he seems to be the most neutral of the party much like I am.

Wise choice, now you Eesis.

I'll take Anutosh He seems slightly easier to handle plus he'll need a lot of help on all things nature seeing as he has been living in the snowy mountains of Hilgo.

Then that leaves me with Ozorhon. Now we must each meet with are chosen creatures so that we may help and guide them but remember they are not allowed to see your godly form for it would be too much for them to handle. Now we can wait for the next chapter to meet with are chosen creatures seeing as the author looks quite tired from school.

Hey, don't go telling the readers that! Anyways Theznos is right this is a good spot to end this chapter off, Now, I will try to update as much as possible but keep in mind that I've started school again so I most likely will be slow on the updates. Not to worry though once a break rolls around I'll be able to do a more set schedule. On beak, I'll try to update on Wednesdays and I'll try to update on Friday also if I'm not too busy. In sorry for any mistakes their may be. See you all next time ly lovelies and remember always stay sassy! <3 

Word count: 1260

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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