Nobody sees me, but before I could even get a good look, a security guard comes up behind me, tapping my shoulder.

"We need to let her into GA, they're gonna close the gates soon and if she still wants to be in the pit, she needs to go now." He said, pointing to Katherine.

"Yeah, I wanna go." She said. She still looks unhappy, but I'm not sure why.

"Bye baby, have fun. I'll try to put on a good show for ya." I said, winking.

She didn't reply.

"I love you!" I yell to her as she walks with the guard.

She still didn't reply.

I hear screaming as Finneas walks into the stage.

I stand near the cape again, watching Finneas talk before he performs.

"Hey guys. I'm Finneas, as some of you may know, Billie's brother."

Screaming follows his statement.

"This is our first show on this tour and I wanna make it good, so don't tell Billie, but you guys gotta go crazy tonight." He said, laughing awkwardly.

He's so silly.

"I'm gonna sing two of my original songs to start off the night."

As soon as he begins singing, the crowd gets on their phones, not even paying attention to him. That has always gotten on my nerves. His songs are so good and deserve attention.

He finishes up his opening act, and a mashup of my songs comes on, as the lights dim.

I put in my earpiece, holding my microphone in my hand, ready to start the show.

Baba Duh....

I walk into stage, as I hear the opening to My Boy start playing.

The crowd goes crazy as I wave at them all, and they immediately start singing.

I look all around the crowd for Katherine, but what I wasn't expecting was to see her immediately in front row, barricade. Singing the words, jumping and smiling.

"My boy's being sus..." I start off, moving around the stage as I sing the words, letting the crowd finish some of the lines.

I finish the song, as I stop on stage to talk to the crowd.

"Hello Portlanddddd." I yell, smiling and pointing the microphone at their screams.

"How is everybody tonight?"

All 1,400 people screamed back at me, with jumbled up words that I couldn't make out.

"Alright, so I'm not supposed to do this, but I'm gonna sing a song that none of you have heard. Well, except for one of you." I say, looking at Katherine.

"This is a song that I wrote a while ago, and it will eventually come out, but I'm not going to sing all of it. Which is gonna drive all of you crazy, but you gotta deal with it." I say, smiling.

I walk up to Finneas, signaling to play the last time that the chorus is sung, to the end.

The slow guitar starts playing, as I start singing.

Everybody in the crowd, silent.

"Maybe won't you take it back..."

I continue to sing the chorus of I Love You, as the crowd all looks at me with puppy dog eyes. No singing or anything.

But, then I get to the part about Katherine.

"I'm in your arms in Central Park, there's nothing you could do or say. I can't escape the way I love you."

Katherine looks into my eyes as I look into hers, and I see a tear drop from her cheek.

I think everybody notices that Katherine is there now, because all of their faces changed as they looked towards where I was staring.

I finish the song, and I put the microphone by my side.

"I love you guys." I say to the crowd, as a cheerful "I love you" comes from almost everybody in the crowd.

I jump off the stage, running to the barricade to hug everybody in the crowd. They damn near killed me by swaying me back and forth and grabbing me, but it was worth it.

"You did so good!" I hear coming from one of my sound managers, as I hug my mom and and dad, and I heard a security guard walking up to me.

"We're gonna go get Katherine from the crowd, and bring her backstage." He says, motioning to the front stage.

I nod, and he walks away as I stand, waiting for her to show up.

Finneas comes up to me, patting my shoulder and kissing my head to congratulate me. He always does this, even though he puts in just as much effort as I do on stage and off.

"Baby!" I hear from behind me, and I turn around expecting Katherine, but instead it's Ella.

"Oh, hi! Did you enjoy the show?" I ask, as she smiles, replying with, "Yes, oh my god. You're amazing on stage."

I see Katherine coming from the corner of my eye, so I walk away from Ella, and Katherine hugs me as tight as she can.

"I have never experienced anything like I just did watching you perform baby. I literally cannot express how good you did." She said, hugging me again.

"I love you so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed it."

"Also, you made me cry, so fuck you."' She said, laughing.

"Oh, I'm gonna fuck you alright." I laugh, spinning her around as I scrunch my nose.

"Ew." I hear ella say, as she looks at me disgusted. "So you're like actually gay? I really thought you were kidding."

"Yeah, I am." I say, tightening my grip on Katherine's hand.


this chapter is literally 1,500 words wow okay ANYWAYS i haven't done a authors note in a while so i hope you guys are doing okay, i realized some oopsies i made with the setting of the story and i'm mad at myself but it's okay i'll make it for it. i hope you guys are enjoying this ahh!!! i'm gaining so fast with this story i am still amazed wow <3 i love u all thank u

her ocean eyes // billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now