Forming Bonds and then some

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(The opening ends to an overhead view of the Emerald Forest as the camera pans down into the misty underbrush, where Yang Xiao Long is walking and looking around.)

Yang: (calling out) Helloooooooo? (not seeing a shadow quickly pass by) Is anyone out there? Helloooo?" (stops and raises her arms) I'm getting bored here! (hears a rustling in the bushes behind her and turns) Is someone there? (the rustling continues as Yang comes over and peaks inside) Ruby, is that you?

(A low, inhuman growl is heard, and Yang's head rises up as she stares at the creature.)

"Definitely not her," Rainbow said while rolling her eyes.

Yang: Nope!

(Yang quickly rolls to the side as an Ursa charges out of the green. She gets up and activates her Ember Celica, staring at the monster before another Ursa runs out behind her. She leaps over it, and its companion runs at her again, only to get knocked back by a fiery punch. The other Ursa and Yang charge at each other, and Yang manages to get under it and deliver several punches and a kick to send the creature back.)

Yang: You guys wouldn't happen to have seen a girl in a red hood, would you? (the Ursai merely growl at her) You could just say "no".

"I'm sure they're fluent in speaking Equestrian," Luna drawled sarcastically.

"Or English as Sunset would say," Twilight said, thinking of the phrase her otherworldly friend once said.

(One of the Ursai stands on its legs and swipes at her twice, Yang barely dodging the attacks.)

Yang: (laughing) Geeeez, you two couldn't hit the broad side of a bar...

(Before she can complete her insult, a single strand of her golden hair falls in front of her face and lands on the forest floor.)

"Welp, they're dead," Applejack deadpanned, knowing where this was going.

"I'd say they better make peace, but they literally don't know what they just did," Celestia muttered after seeing them get smacked around.

Yang: You... (closes her violet eyes, then opens them to reveal red, making the Ursai look at each other confusedly before Yang screams) You monster!!!

(An inferno surrounds Yang for a moment, and she rockets forward, unleashing a devastating combo of flaming hits and blows on the offending Ursa, making it fly through several burning trees. The other monster runs over, but stops short at Yang's gaze while a tree falls to the ground behind her.)

"Never mess with a lady's mane," Rarity stated in a wise manner, with the others nodding stiffly. Spike silently committed that thought to memory on the off chance that they do anything similar to Yang.

Yang: What! You want some, too?!

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