Chapter 6: Endgame

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As soon as he returned from school, Adrien was immediately shuffled off to his piano class in which he had his knuckles rapped multiple times with a ruler for playing the wrong key (his mind was far away playing its own tune of Ma-rin-ette and La-dy-bug) and then soon after he was sent to his room to do his homework which he gave up on when all he could think about was the pink, sugary, lips of both his Princess and Lady and whether or not they were the same pair of lips.

In the end Adrien took to pacing his room like a mad man as he pulled and tugged at his hair. "Urgh!" He snarled in frustration. "Kissing Marinette again didn't help me solve anything!"

Plagg lazily swallowed his cheese and shrugged uncaringly. "I told you so," he drawled out before he took another bite of cheese.

"That's really not helpful!" Adrien snapped.

"Neither was kissing the Princess again," Plagg pointed out in a bored tone. This had been something they had hashed out repeatedly since they had gotten into the limo (both Adrien and Plagg were beginning to feel sorry for the Gorilla who probably thought Adrien was insane or something). "Because even if you had paid attention to come up with some evidence that the Princess might have been Ladybug," Plagg continued, "how on earth were you going to kiss Ladybug? It could be weeks until the next Akuma attack and by then you probably forgot how both girls' lips felt and tasted."

Adrien shot Plagg a scandalised glare. "I could never forget either kiss from either the Princess or my Lady," he said solemnly, hand to his chest.

"Whatever," Plagg rolled his eyes, "The point is she's not exactly going to come knocking on your door and allow you to kiss he….." Plagg trailed off as he dropped his cheese (a first for Plagg who would never waste such food) onto the floor and stared gobsmacked at the window. "I stand corrected," he said dryly.

And then he suddenly zoomed under Adrien's shirt which caused the blonde model to squirm and jump about in surprise. "Plagg!" Adrien hissed. "What are you doing?!"


"Hiding?!" Adrien repeated. "What fro….."

And then he also trailed off as he caught sight of the view outside of his bedroom window. There, right there, on his window ledge was a pair of black dotted and red legs, those gorgeous, well-toned, sexy legs that he has spent one time way too many staring at during an Akuma battle. Slowly, they bent down and Ladybug came into view properly, her cheeks slightly flushed as she tapped quietly at his bedroom window.

Adrien almost tripped over in his haste to get there and fumbled clumsily to unlock and opened the window. He opened his mouth to say hello or ask her what she was doing here or….well anything, but his voice failed him and his mouth instantly slammed shut as he felt his cheeks heat up under her penetrative stare.

Ladybug smirked. "Hey," she winked, "Hot Stuff."

Adrien choked on his own spit at that. Hot Stuff?! What did that mean? Was that what she called him privately?! Why was this the first time he heard it?!

If it was possible Ladybug's smirk had gotten bigger and smugger the longer Adrien remained silent as he tried to figure out exactly what she meant by Hot Stuff.

"Gonna let a girl in or what?" she asked flirtatiously. "I thought you had been raised to be the perfect gentleman."

"O-o-of course!" Adrien stuttered pathetically. Damnit!Where was his suave Chat Noir confidence right now when he needed it? Probably cowering under his shirt with Plagg. "I-I-I mean I w-w-w-was!" he corrected himself as he stepped aside for Ladybug. "Come in," he motion towards her, "come in."

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