Whenhe opened the door as soon as he turned he saw Suna on the floor infront of the couch pakkun still struggling to get off her arms but everytime he does she would hug him tighter which made his eyes grew bigger.

"Kakashi a little help" he says when he saw Kakashi and Kakashi can't help but chuckle at what he was seeing.

"Suna..wake up" was what he said as he squatted and patted her head two times to wake her up.

Suna slowly opened her eyes and when she saw kakashi she sat up from her lying position and rubbed her eyes.

"Kakashi I'm hu---" Suna stopped for a moment then looked outside then she stood up and opened the door running straight outside the house then inhaling and seconds later she snapped her head back to Kakashi

"Something's burning.." she said and took another sniff and began to head south. Kakashi quietly followed her and a few minutes of sprinting later a faint light from fire was becoming visible from afar.

As they got closer a very big fire was seen from a building and the fire slowly ate the other building beside it. A lot of people were outside and a few ninjas using their justus to kill it.

"What the..." Suna said looking at what the ninjas are doing.

Every second the fire grew bigger and Suna could pick up a few scents from people inside the buidlings.

"Hey! There are still 30 people in their!" Suna yelled at the ninja tugginb the hem of his vest

"Yotaro! There are still more trapped inside!" He yelled to the other ninja.

"I know but we can't get inside! The fire is too big!!" He said

"I can help!" Suna says the two ninjas stopped to look at her, how can a kid like her help with such a big fire.

"No kid..just stay th--" kakashi placed his hand on Yotaro's shoulder to catch his attention

"Trust the kid..Suna I mean..she could handle the heat.." Kakashi says and Suna gave him a big smile before turning into the building making her way infront pushing away some on the ninjas making them stop their jutsus.

With a big smile on her face Suna exhaled and shouted "Thank you for the food!!" And began to eat the fire

T-thank you for the food?! All of them thought when Suna said that

Kakashi who thought she'd go inside was shocked to see her absorbing the fire along with the other ninjas. They all stared in awe as the fire began to disappear and after 5 minutes the fire was completely gone. No smoke and no heat left.

Suna fell on her butt with a satisfied look on her face and a hand resting on her tummy rubbing it gently. Her stomach bloating up a little bit and three seconds later she burped.

"Haaaah! I'm so full!" She said getting up on her feet everyone still quiet but moments later they began to thank Suna for extinguishing the fire. The ninjas took a look at Suna before heading inside the buildings. After saying her welcomes' to the villagers who were thanking her

"So you can absorb fire?" Kakashi asked her as they walked back home.

"Absorb? No..I eat them..it's like refueling me..When I run out of energy..but I can't eat my own flames." She says walking with her hands down her stomach

"Fire can also be an alternative for food so when I get hungry I can just eat fire." She added

"So you are basically made up of fire.." kakashi guessed trying to joke his way to knowing and getting more information from her

"Well..almost made up of fire..I'm not fully made of it..I mean I still bleed so.." she answered then tripping over a rock.

Kakashi was fast to respond and caught her in his arms. Suna was staring into Kakashi with wide eyes frozen as she felt his warm hands wrap around her small body.

"Y-you could've just let me fall you know." She said fighting the urge to blush

"I promised you that I'll never let you get hurt, didn't I?" Kakashi said with his deep voice which made Suna's heart flutter. She blinked two times before Kakashi lets her go then walks ahead of her.

She watched his back as he walked ahead her heart beating in an unusual pace..she placed a hand on her chest to feel her heart beat and pursed her lips when she remembered Kakashi's words.

This is not happening to me..


Suna woke up with Kakashi and Pakkun just right beside her. Pakkun was at the bed and Kakashi who was leaning on the side of her window with crossed arms. Suna kept her eyes closed when she felt that Kakashi was about to speak up.

"Wake up Suna..I'll be teaching you your very first ninjustu today since you have learned chakra control." He said pulling the comforter off her.

"Give me a couple more minutes.." she and rolled making her back face Kakashi..

"Get up already.." Kakashi said pulling her hand and forcing her off the bed but she  deliberately makes herself heavy making Kakashi struggle a bit but since he is a full fledged man who had been a ninja since his childhood days he was successful with getting her off her bed but now he is problemed with how to force her off the floor

"Suna.." no response

"Suna I swear if you don't get up I'll drag you to the bathroom and bathe you myself.." he said trying to make his voice more intimidating than usual. Suna'shead snapped at him at that with a challenging look on her face

"Oh really....let's see you try then.." she says turning the tables making him swallow his words and a faint blush forming on his cheeks which Suna can't see since he is masked.

"I-I was just---I don't really mean what I said.." he stuttered while Suna got up..

For a 15 year old, Suna looked quite mature for a little bit. She has grown quite well in a few parts and may even grow better once she reaches the right age. Suna with her usual favorite clothes which were the ones she could freely move her joints with and not burn would wear bandages around her chest (like the one Erza uses in one of her armors, i forgot the name) and shorts since she is at home but she usually wear skirts when outside

"U-uhh.." Kakashi was now quivering not knowing how to answer or what he should actually do

If i do that won't I be a pedophile or something? I mean she is...Kakashi thought to himself slowly landing his eyes on Suna's body then shaking his head

"What now? Huh?" Suna taunts him by slowly removing the bandages that are binding her chest, Kakashi on the other hand was now in panick shaking and blushing like crazy forgetting Pakkun besides him Pakkun on the other hand looked at Kakashi thinking

So he can be an idiot at times too..

"Well I'm outta here." He said jumping off the bed and then disappearing into smoke

"P-pa-pakkun wait.." Kakashi says but he already disappeared

When Kakashi looked back at Suna she was already halfway with removing the bandages making him feel hot all over his face and when Suna finally removed the bandages Kakashi fell with a big thud blood spouting on his nose.

Suna paused and laughed but when Kakashi never responded she began to panick

"KAKASHI?!" she shook him trying to wake him up but he never responded now she was even more scared

"Oh no! No! No! D-did I kill him?!" She said to herself wrapping the bandages back and carrying him on her back

"He died.." she said panick written all over he face tears beginning to form on he eyes as she kicked the door open.

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