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Title Page

Contents - you're looking at them!

The Curse of the Deep Green Blues - a friendly dragon? Really?

The Butcher - today, and many yesterdays ago - featuring little Christine's Dad.

About milliscribblers - our local new writers' group

Radio recording Introduction - the intro and outro of each of my first farming memoir excerpts

About the 'Old McLarsen...' chapters - a few words about each so you can bypass the uninteresting bits

(Old McLarsen...) One: Introduction - it all began in the city - well, two cities actually, on opposite sides of our world. Who knew how many dusty roads lay ahead?

(Old McLarsen...) Two: Welcome...? It was indeed a most questionable welcome - our introduction to life in the 'Wild West' of Australia.

(Old McLarsen...) Three: Welcome...?(cont'd.) the somewhat dubious welcome continues as we learn about hot water via the woodstove, kerosene refrigerators, outside laundries and 32 volt generator power. Confused? So were we!

(Old McLarsen...)  Four: Kangaroo Rescue - reluctantly I must admit to understanding the reasons why so many farmers have the absolute necessity to cull kangaroos. We heard them all, but...

(Old McLarsen...) Five: Kangaroo Rescue (cont'd.) - so now we bore witness to the chase and the tragic results, and my rescue 'career' began with my first baby 'roo.

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