Carlos couldn’t believe what he has just seen, leaving his mouth opened. Logan Henderson beat six badass punks in a row yesterday and Kendall merely hunted him down. Fair to say, he’s truly the king of rampage. However there’s something missing—the truth is Logan had not using his killer technique. What if?! What if he used it? Would it be Kendall lost to him? Why didn’t Logan use that deadly scattering blow?! Carlos wondered, at the other side he was feeling a bit guilty that he was practically on Logan’s side not his boss.

Unfortunately Logan was on his knee, cupping his hands on the injury on his face. He was not able to continue this fight. He admitted he had to fall back. Kendall gazed at him, grinning. Logan seriously wanna slap him, but he’s giving up for now.

“You’ve broken my bokuto, you’ve defeated me. So tell me what exactly do you want from me?” Logan questioned.

“I want you to be my strategist…” He pointed at Logan’s face. Logan without a doubt hammered. What did he say?

“A strategist?” Logan taunted his eyebrows, displaying a strange curiosity on his face.

“Yes! You’re gonna help me fighting with tactics.”

“Why does the king of rampage need strategist? I thought you work alone…”

“Same quotation as James Maslow…” Kendall grumbled. Logan even more puzzled. What’s the connection with James Maslow? “I desperately need someone smart to help me fighting, because brute strength is not enough to win every battle!” He rattled.

“Sorry, I am not good at that thing.” Logan noted. “I fight with my own style. I never use some kind of tactic in battle, it’s just instinct. I clearly understand what exactly you mean; strategist will be the key of victory instead of relying on your troops or strength sometimes. But it’s not a war, it’s simply battle—a duel, not something massive.” Kendall didn’t like it and the way he explained in length—exactly the same as James Maslow.

“I think what you exactly need is not strategist, but a mentor to teach you the real fighting technique.” Logan explained. Well he’s got the point. Kendall adjusted his chin with his hand and figured the same. He required mentor, not strategist. He wanted someone to teach him martial art, but he needed to fine someone stronger than him.

“Why don’t you just join martial art club here? Like judo, or boxing, karate bleep blap bloop?” Logan continued asking. Kendall drooped his eyelids, breathing out some air of desperation.

“They’re so cheese…they didn’t deserve to be my mentor…” Kendall stated. Logan only replied with the melancholy within his eyes. He guessed he had done his business that came with empty handed; he shouldn’t stay for long. “Carlos…I am done! Let’s just get out of here!”

Kendall walked out, while Carlos couldn’t take his eyes of Logan. He was worried about his condition after he’s being defeated by Kendall and his broken bokuto. Logan noticed Carlos was throwing a glance at him, but he just mumbled softly “Go…” Carlos turned away from Logan and ran to Kendall anxiously.

“I am sorry guys. I brought shame to our club…” Logan was still on his knee, closing his eyes desperately, allowing his self-reproach out. The whole club were staring at him quietly as he took his broken sword on the floor.

“You’re not…” Someone spoke up. “You have such great bravery to face him while we’re all just scared at the corner. You’re guardian heart has motivated us to train even harder! You gotta be our new captain!” The others were shouted agree and some of them got Logan up on the floor. “Though you’ve been lost to Kendall Schmidt, you’ve still prove your great strength, skill and spirit! You should be our captain!”

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