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This is a little project that I'm starting to force myself into writing more. 

A lot of the edits that I make and post to instagram (harrykilledmoi) have stories behind them that I usually keep to myself but I've decided now that I'd like to share them all with you! 

A few things before I start:

 Most of these will be blurbs that span across different genres and styles. This is a way for me to practice writing and to experiment a little bit with it.

 Updates to this will be completely at random. Whenever inspiration strikes, whenever I get a really cool edit request, whenever Harry decides to drop the hot fire that is HS2 and destroys my life...

I will eventually start taking requests both through here and instagram but for the time being REQUESTS ARE CLOSED.

Please let me know what you think!
I'm really trying to stretch myself in terms of stepping outside of my comfort zone with this so I would love feedback. Comment, vote, send me a carrier pigeon, whatever, just let me know! Your opinions matter to me.

That's all for now, 

Thanks for coming along with me on this journey.



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