Chapter One

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Hey, I need to say this at least once in my story: I do not own the Harry Potter story or any of the characters. All of that belongs to J.K. Rowling.

Sitting in the Hospital wing, Harry thought about the last few hours. He and Cedric took the Triwizard cup together for the win for Hogwarts and the cup winded up being a portkey. He and Cedric were transported to a graveyard. Cedric died, and Voldemort has risen again. Afterwards, Professor Moody took him to his classroom and tried to kill him. It turns out Professor Moody was Barty Crouch Jr. and he was the one to put Harry's name in the Goblet of Fire. Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape binded Barty Crouch Jr. and then escorted Harry to the Hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey took over and that is where he is now. She had scanned him to see what was wrong and found some disturbing news to say the least. Male wizards can get pregnant and Harry really believed that someone should have told him. He was fourteen years old and was pregnant. Madam Pomfrey had called in healers from St. Mungos and they confirmed twos things. One, he was definitely pregnant and has been for about a month. However, the healers also confirmed a second thing about his health: abuse and neglect. That, Harry already knew and yes, he did tell an adult or he tried to at least. It wasn't his fault if Dumbledore didn't listen to him or if Mr. and Mrs. Weasley didn't believe their sons. Rob told Harry that Fred, George, and him had tried to tell their parents that Harry was being abused but they didn't let them explain. He understood though, at least they tried. But here he was sitting in the hospital wing, listening to Madam Pomfrey and the St. Mungo healers explain to the headmaster and the teachers that he was abused and pregnant. He hears footsteps now, they are coming his way.

"Mr. Potter?" It;s McGonagall first, then Snape, then Flitwick and Sprout, Dumbledore, and lastly Remus and Snuffles. "Is it true?"

"Is what true?" Harry asks dreading the answer. Is Remus and Sirius going to hate him? Snuffles jumps up on his bed and nuzzles his stomach, whining. "Yes Snuffles, I'm pregnant."

"And the Dursleys, Harry?" asked Remus after he sat down on the edge of Harry's bed.

"They weren't nice people. I tried telling Professor Dumbledore but he didn't listen."

"I'm truly sorry my boy. If I'd known you were being serious I would have listened," Dumbledore apologized to Harry, the twinkle in his eye gone. "I just assumed that you were exaggerating the treatment you received just so you can stay in the wizarding world."

"So I don't have to go back?"

"No!" answered Madam Pomfrey, the healers, and Remus. "No, you are not allowed to go back to that place. I refuse, to stand here and listen to you say yes, Headmaster." demanded Madam Pomfrey.

"No my boy, I won't send you back there. We'll just have to see where you can go."

"Harry can stay with me and Snuffles. The wards surrounding the house are pretty strong since the last owner was very paranoid." answered Remus. He was scratching behind Snuffles' ear and refusing to make eye contact with Harry. "That is, if he wants to?"

"Yes! I'd love to stay with you and Si-Snuffles! I've wanted to ever since I found out who you are! Can I please stay with them? Please!" Harry turned to Dumbledore, using the puppy dog eyes that Sirius taught him.

It was a very tense few minutes with Madam Pomfrey, the healers, and the teachers glaring at Dumbledore; while Snuffles, Remus, and Harry were staring hopefully at him. Finally, McGonagall decided to choose for him. "Yes, you can stay there. There is probably no where safer for you to stay."

"Not even Hogwarts?" Harry asked looking curiously at Professor McGonagall.

"Given your track record, not even Hogwarts." McGonagall answered causing chuckles and even a smirk from Snape.

"Now Mr. Potter, will you please share who the other father is?" Madam Pomfrey implored, staring down at him.

"He's a boy from Beauxbatons. He's a year older than and we've been secretly dating all year. He was the only one who believed me when I said that I didn't put my name in the Goblet. It was a few weeks before the third task when we went all the way and it was only one time!" As Harry was explaining, his face kept on getting redder and redder and redder. It was so embarrassing sharing his love life with his professors and his father figures. 

"That's too, Harry. The other schools have already left. You missed the leaving feast." remarked Sprout speaking up for the first time since she got into the Hospital wing.

"He didn't even come to say goodbye?" Harry asked hurt. He thought they meant more to each other. "He said he loved me."

Oh, cub. Come here." Remus opened his arms and Harry welcomed them instantly. He vaguely heard the others saying they'll give him space but all he could think about was the friendly, french boy who became his first love. And he left without a goodbye. He could feel Remus' arms around him, feel him whisper comforting things in his ear, and feel Snuffles' tongue lapping his salty tears of Harry's face. He didn't know how long they sat there just holding each other. At one point they laid down, with Harry curled up on Remus' chest and Snuffles curled up on Harry's back. He had never felt so loved in all his life except now; not even being with that french boy did he experience this much love.


If you can't tell, Harry has so much respect for Professor McGonagall and even Madam Pomfrey. In his thoughts, he always refers to them with their proper title, as opposed as the other teachers. I have respect for them, especially Professor McGonagall. She is awesome!!!!!!! Hope y'all enjoyed this!

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