13 | Lasertag Champion

Start from the beginning

I ran around the corner and paced silently down a dark corridor, maybe one of them would be hiding at the end, waiting to come out till the last moment. Someone always did, I had been down this corridor at least 3 times already were I had found and shot Tristan, Jaden and Pingu. Sure thing, there was someone down there; I could skim them through the darkness. They hadn't seen me and I shot them right as they were about to turn around, finally noticing a disturbance in 'the force'.

It was Jane. Now there was only one to go. Skye. My mortal enemy. Where was that fucker hiding? I ran back towards the gunpoint and ran between the barriers searching for Skye. She was nowhere to be found. Several times I turned quickly around to find no one following me. This was getting rather creepy. I felt alone, but her face was still showing on the screen at the entrance so she was definitely still here. The question was; where?! I ran around for what felt like a half an hour, only hearing my own muffled footsteps.

"You really aren't very perceptive," I heard someone say, Skye. I turned quickly raising my weapon at the same time, but too late. She pulled the trigger and my vest died, my face disappearing from the screen and declaring Skye the winner. I looked down at her feet. She was barefooted. She was such a cheat! That was why I hadn't heard her. She hadn't been making any sounds, because she had taken off her sneakers.

"You cheat! I want a rematch!" I bellowed striding towards her, she was giggling at me.

"I have been walking behind you for god knows how long... and you didn't notice a thing!" she was laughing right up in my face. To even think she had the audacity to do that! She was the one cheating! She took off her shoes. That must be against the rules!

"Shut it! You're the one cheating; you can't take of your shoes! I should have been the one to win!" I argued my arms gesturing wildly after having thrown my gun at the ground soon followed by all my other gear.

"Oh, really? I've never heard about that rule! That because it's never been made! Bad luck, Jamie!" Skye argued, fighting for her own case. She threw her gun at the ground and began to tug off the vest and all the other gear she was wearing.

"Bad luck! I am better than you, and you know it! That's why you had to cheat the way you did!" I screamed, pointing her at her chest; she had gotten of her gear now and she stared angrily up at me.

"No, I did it because I'm smarter than you! If you had been just half as smart as me, you wouldn't have lost!" she countered. She was really getting my blood boiling, I felt like getting back at her. Make her stop sprouting all the crude things in my face.

"So now you're calling me stupid, Skye! Let us see who is stupid!" I charged her, flinging her over my shoulder, cave man stilling. She screamed loudly beating my back to a pulp.

"SET ME DOWN, JAMIE!" she screamed "NOW!" I didn't take notice of her further cries; I walked out of the Lasertag arena past our friends in the changing room and out in the great hall, where I quickly found the locker room for the swimming pool. It was late, at least eight P.M so no one was in the men's locker room. Even the light weren't on and it didn't turn on when I walked in, still I headed for the showers.

"You're gonna pay, Skye!" I told her while heading for the nearest shower.

"JAMIE PUT ME DOWN NOW! THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" she screamed, I just hit the knob turning on the shower and drenching Skye who was still on my shoulder. She screamed when the water hit her back and started hitting my back even more violently. Too late I realized I too was standing under the showerhead.

"Fuck," I exclaimed as I tried to tug Skye down from my shoulder. Now she was clinging to me.

"If you want me wet, you better be too," she said, finally letting me haul her down from my shoulder, but she kept a freakishly strong hold on my wrists, keeping me within the reach of the shower head. Soon out clothes were clinging to our bodies. She pulled me under the showerhead, what did that girl eat?! She was freakishly strong! The slippery floor didn't help either! Soon the point of not getting wet was gone as we were both drenched to the skin, now it was only a fight to keep the other one under the showerhead for as long as possible. The fight quickly became friendlier, the water somehow managing to cool both of our nerves.

"You really are stupid, Jamie!" she said laughing.

"You're not much better you're self!" I said, distracted by the fact that I was the one winning at the moment. She struggled to get away but now I had her and she was going to pay. I pushed her against the wall, holding her arms crossed high. We were standing flush against each other, I had to otherwise she would break free.

"Say I'm the smartest and I'll let you go!" I challenged.

"Ha, I must not tell lies!" she said, quoting harry potter even in the midst of an interrogation, bloody nerd.

"Say it, or I will give you a wedgie!" I threatened pushing my own body even closer to hers. Damn that girl could struggle, but for now I still had the upper hand. She wiggled and tugged, but she remained firmly pressed against the wall and me. The fact that she was wearing a white shirt with a thin lace bra underneath suddenly became clear to me. The realization that her breasts were almost visible made my breath hatch. I felt my body instantly press even closer to hers.

"Jamie for the love of..." she trailed of when she looked up at me. The way she looked right now all wet, her hair and clothes clinging to her body, breathing heavily with the effort of fighting me was, to say it honestly, very damn hot. A knot started forming in my chest.

"Jamie..." she breathed looking up at me through her surprisingly dark eyelashes, for what I could tell they were natural. I leaned my head closer to hers suddenly having an overwhelming urge to kiss her. Not to do so just seemed so unbearable stupid, even for my Standards. She didn't fight back, nor did she move. She just stopped moving all together, breathing slowly as my lips neared hers unbearably slow, testing the new waters. I could feel her warm breath on my lips. We were inches from each other.

"What the fuck is going-..." someone yelled then chocking on their word "Shit! I'm sorry! I'm gonna leave!" the person who had just seen us slammed the door to the locker room, as he left. I had recognized his voice, it was Dan. God, couldn't he just have come in a second later? But now the damage was done, the moment gone. We sprang apart like we had just touched an electric fence. Dan was such a fuck head sometimes...

A/N: remember to VOTE, and maybe COMMENT if you are enjoy the story! tell me your thoughts it means a lot! thank you!

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