The 6: script chapter 4

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Olivia: uh Mike I um

Mike: [ with a full mouth ] what's up

Olivia: it's uh nothing

Mike: What is-[ coughs ]

Olivia: oh no

Jason: [slaps Mike on his back ]come on  die on me now [ then Mike spits a chunk of cookie out of his mouth ]

Mike: Thanks

[ Jade and Brandon starts laughing at Mike ]

Allis: stop it, he could've died
Summer: nice one Allis

[Everyone but Olivia starts laughing]

(Present day)
{ 2040 }

Mike: did I tell you bout the time Brandon , Jason and I got gang gang on some fools

Summer: I was there

Mike: What about the time I almost died

Summer: a cookie was stick in your throat 

Mike: no [summer gives him an annoyed look] okay okay but how

Summer: every special thing that's  ever occurred in our lives  us six are always there

Mike: true that's it's fate

Summer: whatever you say

[ The Bell rings so Summer and Mike walks off to class ]

Brandon: hey guys wait up [ he runs towards  them.He catches up and they walk together ]

Mike: hey

Summer: I can see there's no candies

Brandon: yeah [ he then hides a candy wrapper his back pocket ]
Summer: c'mon

{ in class }

Teacher: good morning class, Mr. Adams I can see you now have a sense of fashion

Mike: excuse me

Teacher: you lost the red beanie

Mike: am I the only one who miss the substitute

(School ends)

{ Front of school}

[Mike is sitting and listening to some music then a hand rests on his sholder]

Jason: What are you doing

Mike: chilling waiting for my ride

Jason: mike I've just realised somting

Mike: What

Jason: you ain't doin no sports

Mike: yeah so

Jason: the whole crew is doing at least one sport or extra curricular but you

Mike: you know me

Jason: but  you've gotta graduate

Mike: I know but I can't commit

Jason: yeah well tomorrow you're  joining a sports club

Mike: [ under his breath ]oh god

Jason: what was that

Mike: I said o yeah

Jade:  and we're gonna make sure of it

Mike:[ startled by jade sudden appearing beside him ] Jesus  we're did you come from

Jade: sigh

Mike: Look at that my ride is here see yah guys

Driver: [ he gets out of the car and opens the back door ] young master Michael

Mike: [ walks pass  him to sit in the front passenger's seat ] hey David  know I'm not a little kid anymore right

Davis: [ sigh ] teenagers

Mike: and you can stop with that British accent

[ they drive off ]

Davis: come on kid

Mike: I just don't like the back seat and the last time I checked people open doors for ladies

Davis: I know that

Mike: then why Davis why

Davis: I was trying

Mike: to do what make me look rich

Davis: yeah [ disappointed]

Mike: Look if I wanted I could pull up at school in a lambo. I just don't like to stand out

Davis: huh

Mike: if it wasn't for my dad I'd  walk home

[ Davis drives them home ]

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