Chapter 1

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Authors note: Hey everyone this is my first fan fiction so I do not take credit for the TVD characters, this is just another spin I put on it , it does not follow the story line and all credit of the vampire Dairies characters go to L.J smith. Like, Vote and comment and let me know what you think and thank you so much for reading.



I walked down the damp Highway looking for a sign or any clue as to where I was but all I saw was green forested areas, I cursed at the sky for letting that damn storm bring me here last night, I was about to give up and summon my friend Evie when a bright red pickup truck came speeding down the highway. I stuck my hand out hailing it to a stop, the window winded down and I saw a dirty blonde haired, brown eyed boy staring at me.

“Can I help you Miss” the stranger questioned his brows knitting together in confusion. I took in a breath of air and noticed he was pure human.

“yeah, I was hoping you can, I need a ride into town, my boyfriend and I were heading there when we got into a heated argument and he left me here, in the middle of nowhere I was wondering if you could tell me where I am and direct me into which way town was” I replied in a sweet voice

“You’re in Mystic Falls, and town is straight ahead across the old bridge if you want I could give you ride there, it would be of no inconvenience I live in Mystic Falls” He replied opening his door

“Thanks, I really appreciate it” I replied getting in. He nodded and I closed the door and without further delay he started  the car and we made our way down the highway.

“My name is Matt, what’s yours” He said breaking the silence in the car.

“Trisha, but friends call me Trish, nice to meet you Matt” I replied smiling at his awkwardness

“So what’s your deal, do you go down lonely highways picking up strangers” I asked as we began to drive over the bridge

“ No I don’t go around picking up any stranger, just the pretty ones” he said flirtatiously making me burst into a fit of laughter his cheeks burned red with embarrassment and  I cleared my throat.

“Sorry that came out wrong, I was trying to be compliment you” he replied nervously

“ I’m offended first you call me pretty then you apologize about it, here I was thinking you and I could be potential lovers” I replied winking at him

“ No I didn’t meant to offend you, you really are pretty” he replied with wide hopeful eyes

“Why you’re not so bad looking yourself” I replied battering my eyelashes at him.  He blushed and before I knew it we pulled up at some bar called the Mystic grill and both got out. He rubbed his neck nervously and I walked around to meet him.

“Thank you Matt, I’ll see you around town” I said winking at him and walking away towards the towns information center.

“ Trish wait, before you go can I interest you in a bite to eat and a drink” He said stopping me in my tracks, I wondered to myself if he knew how dangerous his words were.

“ sure, what’s one bite” I said smirking at him

He opened the door for me and I walked in immediately I sensed one vampire,  one werewolf and a witch, the vampire narrowed her eyes on me as matt guided me towards their table.

“Guys this is Trish she is new in town” Matt said as he introduced me to his group of friends I smiled and waved making sure not to shake the witch’s hand.

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