‘Oh no!’ Now I’m really mortified. ‘I’m so sorry. I really threw up?’ I haven’t been sick on booze since, well, since I was in my twenties…

‘I think you spewed in Wades garden, but that’s no big deal. And then you almost puked on Aaron, but we got you to the dunny in time.’

“I don’t remember any of this!’ I wail, holding my head in my hands. ‘I am so sorry, Dan. Really… I have to apologise to everyone … oh, God.’

‘Don’t crack the shits. Everyone gets wasted on New Year’s. You only got drunk – it’s not against the law!’

I do remember that I really need to pee, so I grab the blanket from the end of the bed and wrap it around myself before walking unsteadily to the bathroom. My stomach feels sore and empty, but at least I don’t feel sick.

Dan yells through the door. ‘I’m going downstairs to make us some tea. Back in a sec!’

Oh great… I think, putting my face in my hands as I sit on the loo. He’s going to bump into Jenn and then what’s she going to think? Just peachy. I run the tap and splash my face with icy cold water, which makes me feel a lot better. I wish I could talk to Evie, but I know better than to call her now. She’ll definitely still be asleep.

I look in the mirror and wince at the sorry state looking back at me. I look completely washed-out and my hair is all over the place. I can’t remember drinking that much, surely? I have a quick wash and brush my teeth, trying to get rid of the nasty taste in my mouth. When I open the bathroom door, Dan is crouched by the wood burner, getting it to spark into flames again. I wrap the blanket around myself tightly and shuffle back to the bed, trying not to feel too sorry for myself.

He walks back to the bed. ‘Budge up!’ he grins.

I must look like a rabbit caught in the headlights because he takes one look at my face and laughs.

‘Relax!’ he grins. ‘Drink your tea.’

I press myself against the wall as he hands me the mug. I take a tentative sip.

‘It’s peppermint. Good for your tummy.’

‘Thanks.’ I mumble. ‘Did you see Jenn?’

‘Nope, the café was closed. Guess she’s not in yet. It’s pretty early.’ He checks the clock on the table next to the bed puts his mug down next to it, turning to face me with a serious expression. ‘Listen, Lex…’

I suddenly feel a bit queasy again, hoping that he’s not going to try and kiss me. This is just too awkward for words. Maybe Taz was right and Dan does have feelings for me.

‘Dan…’ I take a deep breath, trying not to panic. I’ve never been good at letting anyone down, not that I have a ton of experience when it comes to men falling at my feet. ‘I’m grateful that you took care of me last night, but I really don’t want to give you the wrong impression… I mean, you’re such a wonderful bloke and I’m really, really flattered, but...’


‘No, let me finish. Really, you’re like a brother to me…’

‘Lex, really. You need to stop.’ he says, covering his mouth with a bunched up fist. Is he grimacing or… grinning?

It looks like he’s trying to stop himself from laughing.

‘What’s so funny?’ I ask, slightly annoyed.

‘If this is going where I think it’s going Lex, I’m not about to jump on you.’ he smiles, grabbing my hand. ‘It’s not that I don’t think you’re gorgeous, because you are.’ He adds quickly. ‘I think you’re knockout, really I do!’

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