Scars on my Wrists (Jeff the Killer x Eyeless Jack)

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WARNING: this chapter is based on self harm and self hate. If you do not wish to view these themes please skip this part. You have been warned.
Jack sat on his bed, scalpel in hand. He slowly dragged the small, yet sharp blade across his light grey skin. Crimson red liquid slowly pooled out the cuts. He began to cry. Not from the blade, but from the emotional pain he felt in his heart. You see, though he was helpless to fight against his hunger for human organs, he absolutely hated himself; cursing himself for letting that cult turn him into such a monster. His small cries and whimpers soon turned into sobs; the more he cried, the more he cut. There were about ten to fifteen cuts on each wrist by the time he finished. He sat in silence once again before reciting a small poem he once read:

"Another cut, another tear;
Another reminder, no one's here."

The words barely left his lips when he heard a knock on his door. "Jack?" A voice called. "You alright in there, buddy?" Jack didn't answer. Instead, he pulled down the sleeves on his shirt and quickly laid under his covers; pretending to be asleep.

After receiving no answer, the person on the other side of the door slowly came in. It was Jeff. "EJ?" He called again. Jack didn't move. Jeff let out a small sigh before approaching the bed and sitting on the edge. "I know you're awake," he gently called. Jack opened his eyes, the black tar that forever leaked down was falling at a pace much faster than usual; proving he had been crying. Jeff pulled out a tissue from the box on the bedside table and began to wipe the 'tears'. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" Jack sat up, but still didn't say anything. Unluckily for him, his shirt sleeves had lifted slightly, leaving some of his new cuts visible.

Jeff gasped, quickly taking Jack's hands into his own before the cannibal had a chance to try to hide them again. Jeff analyzed the many cuts and scars, realizing that Jack had been cutting for months, maybe even a year or two. Blood slowly oozed from the cuts that Jack had given himself just minutes ago. Jeff looked up to see Jack staring at him, the tar once again falling at a fast rate. "How...long?" Was all Jeff could say. Jack shrugged, "Since last year..." Jeff rushes to get a first-aid kit from the bathroom. He came back with disinfectant wipes and bandages. The wipes stung Jack's flesh but he didn't pay it any mind. He was more focused on how much Jeff seemed to care. He didn't take the smile obsessed killer to be the type to care about anyone, let alone Jack. What no one knew is that Jeff had been wanting to confess his attraction to the eyeless man for months but was too scared to actually do so. The thought crossed his mind, but he knew now wasn't the time. However, that's didn't stop him from kissing the now bandaged wounds. Jeff laid gentle kisses all over Jack's wrists, not caring about anything other than showing Jack that he is loved, more than he'd ever known.

Jack's silent crying had stopped as Jeff began to show affection. Jack instead began studying the raven haired boy's movements. Each kiss held much love, care and worry. Jack never felt like this with anyone; and it was that point when he realized that all this time, the feeling he'd get around Jeff... was love. After what felt like ages, Jeff finished kissing Jack's scarred wrists. He looked into the eyeless man's sockets, wanting to say something but can't. He decided that the best way to show jack that he's loved would be to turn the kisses from his arms, to his lips. So he did. Jeff's slightly chapped lips met Jack's sod and plump ones. It didn't take long before Jack returned the kiss with the same passion.

The two kisses for as long as they could before their lungs demanded air. After breaking apart, Jeff cupped Jack's face in his hands.

"You are loved. Not just by me, but by everyone here. We care about you, Jack. More than anything. Please... don't hurt yourself. There are other ways to deal with this pain. You can talk to us, you can open up to us. You don't have to be afraid to cry. You're not alone and we will do everything we can to help you."

Jack smiled, tearing up from Jeff's words. "I...I love you too, Jeffery..."

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