Ticci Toby x Masky

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The day was going pretty normal, Slender sent his proxies out on a mission. The only difference was that Hoodie was sick, so he couldn't go outside. Masky and Toby were supposed to kill this group of 3 teen boys who were camping too close to the mansion. It was midnight, so the teens were already passed out. Around the campsite were many empty bottles of beer, so the two proxies assumed they were drunk. They crept into the tent and quickly slit the teens' throats. They were pretty tired, considering it was midnight, so they sat down in a couple of the lounge chairs the teens brought with them. 

"There's still a few bottles left, want one?" Masky asked rummaging through a duffel bag.

"I-I d-don't know..." Toby replied. "I-I don't-t have a g-good view on alcohol b-because of m-my dad."

Masky knew about Toby's dad's alcohol problem, and instantly felt bad. Toby went through a lot because of his father. "Your dad was addicted." Masky began. "He drank everyday. Just one won't hurt you." He opened a bottle for himself. Toby shrugged.

"I-I'm s-still not sure..." Toby thought about how abusive his father was to his family. He didn't want to end up getting drunk and then acting violently toward his friends. Masky placed a hand on Toby's shoulder, breaking his train of thought. "It's okay, bud. You don't have to worry. I'm not going to make you do it if you don't want to." Masky smiled behind his mask. Masky and Toby didn't usually get along, so seeing Masky's smile made Toby happier as well. Without thinking, Toby got up and gave Masky a tight hug. Masky blushed, and hugged back.

"Y-you're n-never this n-nice to me." Toby pointed out.


"...? You...?"

Masky glanced down at his lap, then back up to Toby. "I like you."

Toby was shocked to hear that from Masky. He'd never thought that the person he'd thought only saw him as annoying actually liked him. Toby pulled down his mouth guard and kissed Masky on the cheek. He blushed a noticeable shade of red afterwards. Masky chuckled, pulled his mask to the side of his face and pulled Toby in for a passionate kiss on the lips. The broke away after a couple minutes to head back to the mansion and call it a night; but not without exchanging a quick kiss good-night.

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