Marie read. After she read the last page it's almost as if his hand got tired writing as the L in grateful seemed to fall off the last page.

"Truman, what happened to him? What happened to both of them?" Marie said wiping the tears that fell freely.

"A breakthrough that should have happened a long time ago but a negative effect," Truman said. "Would you like to seem them?"

"Yes," Marie said springing out of bed. Truman held his arm out for her and she latched on. He walked her down the hall to Tanner's room. He slowly opened the door to Randall sitting by Tanner's bedside as Tanner laid there not saying anything or doing anything but breathing. Randall held Tanner's hand tightly. Marie walked over to both of them and Randall with his other free arm pulled her into a hug. He laid his head on her stomach and felt the shiver down his spine when she ran her fingers through his hair. Then she lifted his chin to look in his eyes. He couldn't look at her with her tears.

She felt bad for leaving him mentally to worry.

Then she looked at Tanner who's eyes didn't touch her. She grasped the hand that was connected to Randall. Which gave him the notion to look at her. They both did, look at her, waiting for her to say something. Marie looked at back at them and then looked at Tanner's arm. She saw healing scars and no fresh ones. She closed her eyes and breathed and they looked away from her.

Then suddenly she got on her knees and grabbed each of their heads and brung them closer to her. Tanner's body was out the bed and on the floor with both of them. Their eyes were in shock. Marie hugged them both and they hugged tightly back. She breathed before she let it slip from her mouth.

"I love you so much," Marie said she felt them stop breathing. "It's crazy how in love I am with you two."

She finally said it. She finally said she loved them.

Tanner felt his heart leap with joy he hugged her tighter. Her decision to stay shocked him to his soul. Marie felt tears come from Tanner and Randall but mostly Tanner. Marie just held them as they cried in her arms.

Truman smiled at the progress that was finally happening in the household. Now, he could take a vacation.

Marie stood up but both of them stayed on the floor she helped to pick them both up one by one. They clung to her as their life depended on it.

"I forgive you, Tanner," Marie said and finally a broken cry came from him. "Don't beat yourself up so bad. There would have been no resolution if something drastic would have happened to you."

"Thank you so much, Marie," Tanner said. "I don't know what I would have done without you." Marie looked in his eyes and heard in his voice it was a new tone. She couldn't hear any of the ones she heard the last time. It was different eyes she saw too. Yes, they were still possessive but they looked at her with more love than anything. She nodded.

"Randall, I'm sorry I left you alone for so long," Marie said. "You were never in trouble."

"It's okay, I understand that you needed some space," Randall told her. "You don't ever have to apologize for wanting to take care of yourself. I'm just glad you decided to stay." Marie nodded her head in understanding. She pulled Randall in for a kiss and just like butter he melted. He latched on like it was drug he was missing. Finally, she let go and she kissed Tanner. Tanner had missed that feeling that loved. He felt himself unhinge even more it was like he was being rebuilt right in front of her.

He pulled her in closer not wanting to let go, he felt his body heat up instantly. He needed her so bad it was like his soul was being replenished. She finally let go of Tanner and brung them both in a hug one more time.

To Love MarieWhere stories live. Discover now