{Chapter Nine}

Comincia dall'inizio

   "You've, uh, been hanging out with Joan a lot."

  "She's really cool," Lauren said as she walked to the entrance with Jake as he put on his coat. "If you're not doing anything tomorrow you should come to coffee with us. It's going to be fun, and you can see how completely goofy Wren gets around Henry."

  "Nah, I'm working, but I hope you have a good time," he said and kissed her. "Watch out for Wren. Don't let this Henry guy break her heart."

  "Will do," she promised. "He's really nice though."

  "Hope says he isn't a Christian. She says Joan isn't either."

  "A lot of people aren't."

  "Well, it's important for us Christians to be careful who you surround yourself with is all I'm saying."

  "Don't get high and mighty please. I get enough of that from Ruth."

  "I'm your boyfriend, and I'm just concerned," Jake said, and he looked hurt. "And my faith is important to me."

  "Mine is too, but  there isn't anything to be worried about. I'm just having coffee with a few kids from school!" Lauren said with a scoff. "I'm sorry that I don't drill people on their religious beliefs before I hang out with them."

  "I know, but you have been hanging out a lot with Joan. I worry."

  "I know you do, but there is no reason to," she said quietly. "I don't want to fight. I'm tired, and I didn't mean to sound so harsh. I'm sorry."

  "I'm sorry too," Jake said; looking tired himself. "I'll call you when I get home."

  "Okay, night."

  "I love you."

  "I love you too."

  "I'm wearing my hair up. Do you think it looks nice up?"

  "It does," Lauren said as she talked to Wren on her cell phone as she walked towards the coffee place after class. 

  "Or do you think it looks better down? Do guys like it better like that?"

  "I'm sure he'll like it either way."

  "I wish I had red hair like yours. I'm cursed with this average brown. I'm so boring!"

  "Your hair is fine. It has really nice golden streaks in it from the summer too. Plus you don't get all the ginger jokes."

  "So you think it looks fine up? Should I send you a quick picture?"

  "I'm at the coffee shop, and I see them sitting inside so no. Your hair is fine, I'm sure. Don't worry about it. From what I can see Henry has a bowler hat on so I'm thinking appearances aren't all that important to him."

  "Oh my Gosh, he's wearing a bowler hat? He is so adorable."

  "He's something."

  Lauren finally got Wren off the phone as she went into the coffee shop, and Joan spotted her and waved. They were sitting in the back, and they were already sipping their coffees. Henry was wearing the bowler hat plus a blue and pink Hawaiian print shirt, jeans covered in paint, and a yellow sweater tied around his neck. Joan was more demure in a purple sweater and a black skirt with purple tights and sneakers. Her hair was pinned up, but it was falling down and curling in the heat of the coffee shop. 

   She smiled at Lauren as the other girl approached, and Lauren noticed Joan had on no makeup in place of her usual heavy eyeliner and dark eye shadow. Lauren liked it better this way. She thought Joan looked stunning.

October to OctoberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora