Chapter 1

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"Peter! Give it back!" Harley screamed down the echoey hallway.

"No! I need it!" Peter screeched back, turning the corner and into his room. He quickly locked the door, instantly hearing a deep thud against it.

Harley slammed his fists on the door repeatedly, "You don't really need it! I know what your going to do with it!"

Peter slid a laptop, Harley's laptop, onto his desk. He plopped in a chair and quickly began his business.
His plan was to hack into Harley's computer, change the background, mess up some folder names, but he had to be caught by his older brother. He changed the background to a collage of Spider-Man memes, then changing folder names and scattering them across the desktop.

He slammed the top shut, taking it into his arms and smiling as he opened the door and handed the computer back. "Oh, my dear brother. My dearest brother-"

"What did you do?" Harley asked sternly, balancing the computer on one hand and opening it up.

"Have fun." Peter replied with an evil smile, patting the other boy's back and walking off. He heard a distance yell and chuckled to himself as he entered the kitchen.

Morgan sat at the dining table, swinging her short legs back and forth as she happily ate a waffle and drank her orange juice. Peter kissed the top of her head, saying good morning as well, before he sat down. The little one only smiled brighter. Harley then walked in, glaring at Peter and ruffling Morgan's head before he too sat down.

"What happened this time?" Morgan asked in her sweet innocent voice.

Harley shoved a bite of waffle in his mouth before speaking, "Peter messed with my computer. Again!"

"It was a joke!" Peter cried out in defense.

Pepper suddenly walked in, fixing her ponytail, "Settle down boys."

"Morning, mom!" Each of them chimed in.

Pepper smiled as she went to fix herself and Tony a cup of coffee. Peter and Harley went back to glaring at each other. Tony walked into the kitchen next, clearly tired as he ruffled each of his kids' hair before sitting down with them. Pepper brought him a cup of coffee and a plate of food as well as set down her own stuff.

"Spider-Man was out aga-" Morgan stooped when Peter sent her a look.

Pepper slowly turned her head towards Peter, who slumped in his chair, "Oh, he was?"

Peter grumbled and nodded, "I stopped a shooting on Manhattan Bridge."

"Anyways, since your father and I have time today, we'll take you guys to school. I'll take Morgan, since it's on the way to where I need to be and Tony will take you two boys to Midtown." Pepper explained as Peter and Harley whooped and Morgan smiled her big smile.

After breakfast, Harley and Peter rushed to their rooms to grab their book bags. They met their father in the garage after saying goodbye to Pepper and Morgan. Harley got in the front seat and Peter hopped in the back.

"So what's on the agenda for you two today?" Tony asked as he pulled out of the garage of their home.

Harley pulled out his phone, then the calendar on it, "I don't have anything today. Robotics was changed to where it's on Tuesdays and Thursdays instead of Wednesdays and Fridays."

"Ok. What about you Pete?" Tony asked. Peter stared out the window of the car, clearly not listening to the conversation. "Peter!"

Peter jumped and rubbed his ears, "Y-Yeah?"

"What's your agenda today?"

"Decathlon practice then Spider-Man."

"Oh, yeah. You and your spidermanning." Harley mocked.

Peter grumbled, flicking the back of Harley's head. The two began to bicker and yell at one another. Tony pinched the bridge of his nose, aggravated by his sons. "How about we listen to some AC/DC?"

Harley and Peter stopped, slouching back in their seats as Tony turned on Back in Black as their first song. The whole ride to school was just the three of them jamming out to AC/DC. It was a usual thing for them, even when Morgan and Pepper were in the car.

Tony arrived in front of the school and turned down the music volume, "Alright, kiddos. Harley, Happy will pick you up after school. Peter, don't be out so late again."

Both saluted in a funny fashion, saying a "yes sir" and getting out of the car.

"Race you inside." Harley spoke, cracking his fingers.

"No. People are looking." Peter grumbled.

Harley snorted, "We are Stark blooded. Of course people are looking."

Peter rolled his eyes and smirked, racing his bigger brother inside.

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