• c h . 2 • Running Away To a New World

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I opened my eyes as I saw myself in a void...of rainbows?!
Suddenly, a screen appeared in front of me. It begun to talk and I just stared at it.

"Greetings fellow otaku." the screen said.

The person was blurred or something but I could tell that the speaker is female.

"H-hi...Um, Where am I?"

"Oh about that..." She paused "We're transporting you."

I made my 'BITCH, I'm a goddess' expression and fangirled.

"But before that, Please enter your favorite anime."

A keyboard appeared on the screen. I grabbed the screen and started typing 'Tokyo Ghoul'. I tapped enter and the keyboard dissapeared.

"Ms. Kiyomizu, any requests?" she said.

Oh crap hurry up Izumi!!

"I wanna be a one-eyed ghoul and appear after the Aogiri Arc. And spawn me NEAR Kaneki." I commanded.
(A/N: *evil laugh*)


After minutes of silence I fell into the rainbow void.

Ah, where am I?

I was in a forest for sure but where was I? I heard some voices and decided to follow them. Once I saw the light-Holy Shit, Shit Shit!

Kaneki and the others is there.

My inner fangirlness squealed and My heart was pounding furiously.

Suddenly, they looked at me. They got in their fighting stance and my fangirl squealed again.

Omg, I'm gonna get killed...

"Ah I'm lost..." I said rubbing the back of my head. "Do you know where I am?" Well, that was partly true.

They returned to normal and I stared at Kaneki.

So hot.

He is fucking hot.

I wanna jump and hug him right now.

He stared back at me. My blue eyes met his grey ones and my fangirl squealed again.

"Hot..." I blurted

I covered my mouth and I became a tomato from embarrassment.

He just raised an eyebrow. I heard Touka scoff behind Kaneki.

"Come with us if you want, it's not safe here." said Yoshimura.

I nodded and followed them.

Kaneki stopped in his tracks. He probably saw Banjou.

"KANEKI!" Banjou shouted. "Looks like you're done here."

"Banjou-san...Yes" Kaneki replied

Yomo looked at the sky and said, "It seems to be over."

Kaneki nodded and removed his mask and revealed his beautiful face.

"For a moment there, I thought I was going to die. Nishiki babbled. "It's hard to believe I'll be going back to university and a normal life soon.."

I kept quiet, waiting for a moment to strike through.

"There's also work at Anteiku." Touka reminded.

OMFG, TouKen moment!

"Hey you, when we get back, why don't we change your hair color?" Touka asked. "If you work in the shop like that, you'll stand out a lot."

Kaneki smiled.

He's making me a tomato!!

"I won't be returning to Anteiku." He said.
"There are things I want to do. For that reason I need to prepare, I have to get stronger. There are also a lot of things I want to find out. I have no time."

Damn Kaneki, just be preggos with Touka!

A/N: yo guys, I haven't posted for a long time and Im so sorreh. Please forgive me, I was busy at School. School is killing meh and they're unfair.

*coffee table flip*

Into Tokyo Ghoul! (discontinued)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum