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Midoriya's POV ~

All of the sudden a big explanation made a whole in the wall then I saw him. dabi!

Dabi's POV~

I bust in because we knew bakago wouldn't give us midoriya, I see bakago and a small green dog. "Shit how did you find out about your animal form?" He just whimpered and backed up and bakago shot up and yelled for Shoto " midoriya your coming with me" " No I'm not!" "He can't understand you remember" bakago quickly responded to midoriya " I can understand him idiot!" "How?!" "I'm a wolf duh" I said annoyed. He then transformed into a wolf and grabbed midoriya and ran so I transform as well and run after him.

Kacchan's POV~

He's following me I have to get deku out of here. I quickly run towards the commons I bust through the doors and tell everyone to get ready and then uraraka sees deku and runs over to me and takes him and hides him dabi runs in and we start to fight. After a few minutes he had me pined to the ground holding me by the neck, both of us still in our wolf forms every one who tried to come close he snapped at and threatened to kill me. All of the sudden deku walked out of where he was hiding "stop dabi!" Dabi just smirked and pushed harder on my neck and I could tell deku was getting mad his eyes went from green to red and jumped on dabi knocking him off me and I just get up and stared at him same as does everyone else. They fought for what felt like forever but really it only lasted a few minutes, deku had dabi in the same position me and dabi where in earlier but he was the one pined down."leave and never return dabi or so help me I will kill you!" he nodded his head and as soon as deku got off of him he ran out of my Territory and deku's eyes turned back to green and passed out.

To be continued...

I know I said I wasn't gonna post but I was bored and sorry if it's short but again I wasn't gonna post so ya. Let me know if I made any mistakes.

A new adventure (a bnha fan fic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt