Swasan turned back

Swara : You are wrong! Saanvi is my daughter not yours, Just leave her!!!

Sanskar : Kavita just give her back!!!

Kavita : Uff! Do you think I'm a fool!? No, I'm not! The thing is that I'm so intelligent!

Swara : Just shutup!!!

Kavita : Don't shout Swara! You know what why I'd kidnapped her?! Let me tell! I have kidnapped her just for a simple and sober barter system!

Sanskar : What!?

Kavita : Swara, just give me my Sanskar back and take your Saanvi with you!

Saanvi was weeping in fear.

Saanvi : Mumma...mumma!!!

Sanskar : I said just give her back to me!!!

Kavita : And if I'll not?!

Swara : Kavita please leave Saanvi!!!

Kavita : No!!!

And she puts the gun on her head.

Kavita : Just take your decision fast Swara! Sanskar or Saanvi?!

Sanskar : Please Kavita!!!

Swara : Please try to understand! Just let her go, Please!!!

Kavita : Tell me fast!

Swara : Kav...!

And she starts the counting.

Kavita : 1...2...thr...!!!

And someone shoots from back. Kavita turns back.

Saanvi goes and hugs Swara. Swara kisses her and showered all her love. Sanskar too kisses her.

Police caught Kavita again who has came there with whole maheswari and gadodiya family.

Sanskar goes near her and slapped her.

Sanskar : You was right!!! You are not a fool, but I'm!!! I'm the biggest fool who loved you, I'm the one who believed that we are made for each other and what not!!!

Swara too slapped her.

Swara : Sanskar has always loved but what you had done?! You have never loved anyone!!! Not Sanskar, not Saanvi and not Anuj too!!!

They all were leaving but suddenly, the voice of shooting came. Everyone turned back.

Swara : Sanskar!!!

And Sanskar falls down in her arms.

Kavita has shooted him by the gun which has fallen on the ground on his back.

Ragini pulled Saanvi towards her.

Swara : Sa...Sanskar...nothing will happen to you! Please, please calm down!

Sanskar : I love you Swara!

Swara : Sanskar please!!!

Dp : What you had done Kavita!?

Kavita : Don't come near me!!! Otherwise I'll shoot her also!!!

Dida : Shona!!!

Shekhar : Just give the gun back!!!

Kavita : I said don't come near me!!!

Shekhar : Just give me back!!!

Kavita : Don't dare to do this!!!

Shekhar : Gun!!!

Kavita : Stop there!!!

Shekhar : Gun!!!

And Kavita shooted Swara also.

Sharmistha : Shona!!!

Ap : Swara!!!

Police runs and hold Kavita who has got mad. They took her away.

Swara falls down beside Sanskar all bloody.

Sanskar : I...love...you!

Swara : We have promised each other na!

Sanskar : We will be together forever!

Swara : I love you too!!!

And they closed their eyes.

Song plays...humari adhuri kahaani...

Everyone cried on seeing this emotional death scene.

20 Years Later

Raglak were standing in front of Swasan's photograph with a garland on it.

Lakshya : It seems like it was yesterday when they had left us!

Saanvi, who is now a grown-up and a beautiful girl of 20, came and hugs Ragini and Lakshya from behind.

Saanvi : They are still alive in our hearts!

Ragini : Yes, they are still alive in our Saanvi!

And they all hug each other.

True love is not an end. Its the beginning of a new love story. Swara and Sanskar has crossed many circumstances and married each other. They loved each other truly. Their love was pure which will be alive in millions of hearts.

Good luck! Signing off - @sarya_14💛

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