September 2nd

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Hi hi! So for thought who don't know today UK schools went back. Those who read my National suicide prevention awareness month 2018 might remember that I went back to school late last year, and had an extra loooong holiday.

As much I don't always like school but I'm glad for the friends I have. Even if I don't go to the same schools as all my friends.

I understand that starting school (especially a new school) can be scary and honestly a little exciting. When I was younger my family moved around the 3rd term....before that I only had 1 friend (not counting family friends). I admit I wasn't used to people my own age or how to deal with them. My first school had been a private school, so it was very different. I didn't understand at first, but no one wanted to be my friend, and even the children who the teachers told to take care of me at brake would ditch me and convince me it's what I wanted (I didn't understand much of interacting). As a few years passed I noticed the others in my class (both boys and girls) didn't like me much and preferred to ignore, laugh at or tease me. At first I thought I was because I joined part way....but then new girls started to join...and they were almost all became friends with everyone and treated me like the others. There was 1 that were able to become friends with the others and me, and 1 who became friends with the main group and another group that was not the main group but was there own group.

I know people say you only need 1 or 2 good friends, and it's true. But I'm that school I didn't have 1, but I did have my brothers, and I am happy I did. I also had my best friend from my old school who I visited every chance I got (which wasn't often as we moved far away....

....we are still best friends now....

Sorry Chimi went off on a tangent (I think that's the word...) my point was that no matter how hard it may seem, you are not at fault or alone!

It's ok not to be ok! It's ok to talk! If you need anyone to listen to you, then just message me. I may not BEABLE to reply straight away, but I will definitely reply before 24 hours (probably before 12 hours).

I do honestly hope you have a good day, week, month, year! Chimi out~

Song used high hopes by Panic! At The Disco

National suicide prevention awareness month 2019Where stories live. Discover now