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Pennywise: SUNFLOWER YOU'RE BACK!!!! *runs at me and jumps onto me hugging the shit out of me*
Matt: *laughing while hugging* yes babe I'm back
Pennywise: why were you gone for so long? I missed you
Matt: I know Penny and I'm so so SOOOOO sorry for my absence but a lot of shit has happened especially since my depression was kicking my ass.
Pennywise: oh no sunflower *hugs and kisses* I'm sorry. Now what's this announcement that you have that's so important?
Matt: I'm happy you asked penny *looks at all of you* I have officially made an instagram fan account for our precious clown boyo but not just the Bill Skarsgård version it'll also be for the book version and the Tim Curry version. Gotta give love to everyone am I right babe?
Pennywise: absolutely!!!
Matt: so yeah if you guys, gals and nonbinary pals want to follow it goes by pennywise_freak27 so yeah go follow everyone!!!
Pennywise: um sunflower?
Matt: yeah penny?
Pennywise: are you back for good?
Matt: I mean It chapter 2 and about to come out so I guess
Pennywise: you better be back for good *he looks at me seriously*
Matt: why? Are you gonna punish me?
Pennywise: yes and it won't be the kind of punishment that you'll enjoy *his eyes turn red and he starts growling while drool seeps from his jaws
Matt: * laughs nervously* noted babe
Pennywise: noooo Matthew we talked about this...say my name~
Matt: not in front of our fans!!!
Pennywise: *growls louder and teeth gets larger*
Matt: *yelps * y-yes Claddy~
Pennywise: *slowly calms down* good boy *passionately kisses me* now go out there and make some memes my precious sunflower
Matt: yes claddy
Pennywise: good boy

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