Chapter 2

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I wished I could just sink into the couch and hide.
'What was I thinking..I'm blind. How could I think I could cook without anything bad happening? ' I thought to myself. Cooking had always been a passion of mine and loosing it was still hard. All I wanted was to be able to cook without being a nuisance again.
I could hear footsteps approaching me and felt someone sit down beside me, knowing it was Jacob. I felt the shame rise up in my chest once more as my cheeks flushed.
Before I could say anything Jacob started talking: "Did you get hurt? " I was quiet for a second before nodding and showing him my hand that was aching.


Jacob took Minhyun's hand gently and looked over the burn mark that was on it. "Min what were you trying to do? " He asked as he stood up from the couch. "I was trying to cook.. " He mumbled as Jacob gently pulled on his hand so Minhyun stood up. "I could see that but why? " Jacob asked again and lead him to a sink to pour cold water over the burn. "Well um... " Minhyun mumbled before saying a bit more confidently, "I wanted to make something for your...well...our birthday. "


I was caught off guard. I turned the water in the sink on and put Minhyun's hand under the cold water. "For our birthday, " I repeated. "Why.. why did you want to make something for me? " I asked in confusion.
"What do you mean by that? It's tradition to make gifts and sweets for each other on their birthday! " Minhyun stated.
"Yeah I know that, " I grumbled under my breath when the younger male treated me like I was an idiot. "But I'm your caretaker not a friend. Our relationship isn't like that, " I said in a rather cold tone.
"You managed to burn your hand quite bad as well, it won't leave a permanent scar but you won't be able to wear long sleeved shirts, " I said as I grabbed a bandage and cold cream to put on his hand.
"I'm sorry..." Minhyun said in a low voice as I guided him back to the couch so I could wrap his hand up. "You have no need to apologize, just be careful in the kitchen, " I said calmly when he sat down and started putting the cream on his hand.
"But I just," he started as I could see tears swell up on his eyes, "want to be able to cook again. " I felt bad for him. The poor kid clearly still loved cooking. I wanted to help him somehow even if I knew I was giving a lot of time up for him already.
'Maybe someone can help him cook... or maybe he can help someone else too... ' I thought for a bit.
The only person I knew who had any idea how to cook was still a small kid but I was sure Minhyun would be glad.


My hand was still aching but it was bearable. "Hey, I have a suggestion, " I heard Jacob say. "I know a kid who would be happy to help, " He started but before he could even finish I interrupted him, "yes! I already agree thank you! " I was really excited already without Jacob getting the time to explain anything. I heard him chuckle before saying: "Calm down calm down I haven't even explained anything."
I whined impatiently:" Fine, just tell me. "
"First of all, they're both kids, one is ten and the other is eight, " Jacob started. "That's not a problem, I love kids! " I said confidently. "That's not the point, the point is that you'll have to guide them patiently and teach them some things about cooking that they may not know," Jacob said matter of factly."I can do that I can do that! " I assured him and heard him chuckle again. "I can call him right now then, " He concluded.
I smiled and nodded before hearing him walk away. I wanted to go to change my clothes quickly so I whistled for the dog who I had called Miranda. The mostly-trained guide dog trotted up to Minhyun and he manages to get his leash. " Miranda, closet, " He said and pat her on the side so she'd know where to go. With a little help the two got to his bedroom. "Good girl, " He praises and took a dog snack from his pocket and giving it to her before going through the closet. He couldn't of course see anything but he had sorted it with the help of Jacob so he knew in general where the clothes were and which looked okay together although he didn't know what they looked like. He just put on a comfortable baggy shirt and jeans.
In half an hour I heard the bell ring and Jacob answering the door. "Min! They're here! " He called out before helping Minhyun to the living room himself.


Beside Jacob were standing two short and young boys. The slightly taller one was named Haewon and the shorter one was named Woonhae. "Boys, that's Minhyun, " Jacob introduced. "Hello, " Minhyun said and flashed a smile. "They'll be your eyes while you teach them to cook, they're both really passionate about cooking after all, " Jacob said again as to remind Minhyun and the kids. "Thanks for doing this sir! " Haewon said to Minhyun. "Awe, I want to thank you two too, " He said. "But why does the sir need our help? " Said the younger with a noticeable accent while speaking English. "I can't see sadly, so you'll help me, " He explained. "How old are you two? " He asked curiously. "I'm ten! " Haewon announced. "And I'm um.. " He said. "Eight. He's eight, " Haewon helped the younger. "You guys can speak in Korean, I know Woonhae still has trouble with the language, " Jacob assured. "They speak Korean?! " Minhyun asked in surprise. "They grew up there, " Jacob explained. "Ooh, okay then, " He said happily. It had been a while since he had gotten to speak his native language with anyone.

The kids helped Minhyun to the kitchen and helped him cook some cookies for everyone. Jacob still kept an eye on them but kept having to leave for work. Minhyun was keeping the two entertained while the cookies were baking. They asked him many questions about what it was like being blind and he answered them gladly. He got really distracted with the talking that he didn't notice the slight scent of burning food coming from the oven. He didn't notice until the smoke alarm went off. "I'll go fix it! " Haewon said confidently. "No Haewon don't-" Minhyun tried to convince him. "I've got it under control! " The boy announced and dragged a chair to the oven as he was still short and it was easier for him like that. "Brother it's dangerous," The smaller boy said in worry. "I said I'd be fine, " Haewon said again. Everything did seem under control until Haewon shrieked. The sound of a chair shaking could be heard. Haewon was about to fall over with the chair. Minhyun didn't know what to do. He couldn't see where to go or how the situation was even like. He just froze.


'What do I do what do I do?? Is he falling?? Is the oven on fire?? ' he panicked internally. He wanted to lurch forward but he knew it would be dangerous. He could hear Woonhae gasp beside him. "What? What happened-" He started before he felt a sharp pain in his head and eyes.

He could hear something that was something like a laugh in his head. 'What's going on? ' he thought to himself before feeling like his whole body was on fire. He screamed out internally but it didn't seem like he was doing any noise actually. He hugged himself tightly, trying to calm himself but it didn't work at all. All the noises from outside were muffled and blurry. He could hear someone who he thought was Jacob before feeling like he was being shook. He felt light, light as a feather.

He opened his eyes suddenly and for the first time, seeing Jacob. He was confused. 'But.. But how? I'm blind, what's going on..? ' he thought to himself. The whole world seemed weirdly...reddish. He looked to the side and his eyes widened. The oven was open, a small silver haired kid was looking up to the ceiling with tears in his eyes, seeming terrified . He looked up and saw a kid with brown hair who was floating in the air. That's all he could see before passing out.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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