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//Eunyeong POV//
I was in my lab once again, that's where I spent all of my time. I looked inside the small container of liquid I had in hand and smiled. "It's ready, it's finally ready, " I announced proudly and looked back at my husband, Daejung. He nodded and smiled for once, showing his ever so prominent dimples. He put on some gloves as well, to protect himself, and brought me two syringes. "Then let's try it out, " he said, I just nodded and put the liquid inside both of the syringes. I hid one of the syringe in my handbag. I took the other syringe and pushed out a bit of the serum so there would be no air in it and went to a cage we had in the lab. There was a rabbit inside of it. I opened the cage and pushed the syringe into the rabbit. The rabbit immediately dropped dead and I smirked. "Perfect, " I mumbled happily. I finally had what I always wanted to have, something to get rid of our useless son. We locked up the lab for the day and went home. We talked and talked about the serum the entire way home. Once we were back I took my handbag and stood up. "You know what to do, " Daejung said. "Yes, " was all I answered. I went back inside and was met with our son Minhyun running up to me. "Welcome back mom! " he said and he was clearly excited. Me and Daejung were never home so our son was always happy to meet us. The feeling wasn't mutual. I put on a fake smile as always and said: "Yes, and we won't be leaving for some time. " His face lit up with happiness. "Really?" he said, his eyes full of happiness and his tone excited. "Yes, " I assured him, wanting to end the conversation. I never could stand being around him, that filthy boy I gave life to. I would be lying if I said I didn't regret having him. I tightened a grip on my bag and smiled once more, this time genuinely. "I cooked something for you and paps! " Minhyun announced proudly. His cooking talent was the only thing good about him. He ran to the kitchen and brought out a plate of cookies with my name written on it. "That's so considerate of you Minhyun, " I said, trying to hide the disgust in my voice while saying his name. He lead me to the table and made me sit down. "And look! I got through all my tests, " he announced once again. The boy did always want to make us proud. I put down my handbag and hid the syringe behind my back. "That's good, " I praised, trying not to smirk. I stood up and went closer to the boy. "Ma? " he asked in confusion. I didn't say anything. Once I was standing beside him I took the syringe and quickly stabbed it into the left side of his head. I was planning in stabbing it into his neck but his head was fine as well. He screamed in horror and shock, god his screams were annoying. He fell limp and I threw away the used syringe. I left him there, convinced he was dead, finally out of my life. I will regret that decision until the end of my life. I created something that was never supposed to exist. I explored grounds no human should touch.

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