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Avans POV

Liz and I have been all over each other since being reunited that has been until Dan Schneider walked into the room, his eyes turned straight to us.
"I'm guessing you two already know each other?" he questioned

"Yeah....." I answered

"Listen I have no problem you two dating but if it comes back to me that it's just for showbiz I won't be happy" Dan said seriously.


Unfortunately for us that's exactly what happened and then everything just became awkward...

Liz's POV

Avan and I split up months ago... It hurt at first but now we are just really close and are happy with how it is. For the first time in a long time I'm actually going on a date nothing special just a normal date. To be honest I don't like the guy much but maybe he has a side I'm not seeing yet? Anyways his names Blake I met him at a cafe when I was with the cast, we started talking and then he asked me out. I was worried Avan would be jealous but he actually told me to go for it, this was because he just got a girlfriend I didn't know about. When I found out I felt somewhat jealous like he could actually love another girl like he loved me. It really did hurt and to be completely honest it still hurts now, I guess I can't just move on like he has and forget all the amazing times we had.

Ariana's POV

I can see how much it's hurting Liz so I'm trying to persuade her not to go on this date, I know she isn't ready yet I know if she does go she will do something she regrets. Liz loves Avan, he taught her that not every guy is the same and that someone actually loves her other than her friends and family.

"Liz don't go on this date tonight please stay home with me so we can have a girly night" I begged
"Ari why don't you want me to go?" Liz questioned
"I know your not over Avan and it will hurt more going out with this guy!" That shut her up completely
"Your the only one to tell me the truth... Thank you" she cries and hugs me.

Liz's POV

I called Blake and told him the date was off and finally I felt myself not having to worry about a date I really didn't wanna go on. I'm just sitting around when Avan calls me?

"Hey Avan what's up?"
"Nothing just wanted to say good luck on your date tonight"
"I'm not going I've cancelled"
"What why?!? Are you feeling ok?"
"I'm fine I just didn't feel up to it anyway why do you care?"
"I want you to be with someone that makes you happy like Zoey makes me happy" at this point I wanted to throw my phone at a wall and cry all night
"Well I'm not gonna be happy with him... Bye Avan" I put the phone down before he can speak

How could he say she makes him happy?!? Wasn't he happy with me? Didn't I make him happy?!? Ugh I hate this so much. I guess it's just time move on. So that's what I'm doing Ari and I invited all our friends round for a small party. Avan wasn't one of them because I know i'd make a fool of myself in front of him.

Later that night

The house was full of people and this really hot guy just walked in... Guess it's time to 'move on'. I walked up to him with two drinks in my hand and we started talking. We ended up talking all night and he was so sweet, his names Adam he's 17 and happens to be a musician himself. We have so much in common and really get along so at the end of the night he got my number and said he would call me. Finally I have closure!
Me and Ari talked about him all morning I was so happy I finally met someone who makes me happy... Other than Avan.

Avans POV

Liz and Ari had a party last night and I wasn't invited? Why I don't know probably because I made Liz upset again. I never meant to upset her but the break up seemed like the best thing to do. Anyway I was meeting up with a friend of mine later so I need to get ready.

I had just finished getting ready when my friend knocked on the door. "Hey Adam" I smiled at him
"Hey Avan how you been haven't seen you since Canada!" Which is true
"I know it's crazy I'm good actually how are you?"
"Great I went to a party last night and I met this girl we talked all night she's amazing.. Speaking of which I need to call her one minute"

Liz's POV

Adam was calling wow he really meant it.
"Hey Adam"
"Hey you, I was wondering if you wanted to meet for a bite to eat tonight?" He said sweetly
"Sure that sound great" I'm so happy
"Great I'll pick you up at 8"
"Great see you tonight byeee" Ahhhh! I need to make sure I look super hot for this date! Guess I better start getting ready now then.


Avans POV

I had just got back from having lunch with Adam. The whole time he talked about this girl but never told me her name, just as he was about to leave I stopped him to ask.
"Hey Adam what's this girls name?"
"Oh Liz" My heart dropped to my stomach
"L-Liz Gillies?"
"Yeah, ohhh yeah you work with her right?"
"Yeah.. Listen promise me you will look after her don't hurt her make sure she's happy" I wanted to cry
"Sure dude but why you care so much?"
"She's my ex I still care about her A LOT I want her to be happy"
"Wow ok dude I promise"

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