Behind closed doors.

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Part 2/2

Liz's POV

Once we got back to his apartment I sat on the couch and then he joined me. At first there was this sort of awkwardness until he pulled me onto his lap. After a few seconds I couldn't take it anymore and pulled him into a kiss that ended up as a full on make out session!

Avans POV

God this girl could kiss and really I wasn't expecting us to go this far, but the next thing I knew I was feeling her boobs and then we were basically having sex until it actually happened!

"Are you sure you want to do this we don't have to?" I asked worried I might be pressuring her

"Really Avan I want to don't worry" she smiled at me

"Ok before we do this.....I love you" I somewhat mumbled, because as I went to finish my sentence Liz took off my top and was kissing my neck!

"I love you too" she said hotly

I pulled off her top and kissed her neck passionately. 5 minutes passed we were completely naked we just lay there for a moment getting used to each other.

Liz's POV

Okay many people say having sex at 15 is wrong but really if your protected and you both agree to it how is it wrong? I don't understand, anyway it happened we were having sex.

"Liz are you ok?" he looked quite startled as I let out an unexpectedly loud moan

"Mmmh sorry" I breathed through my words

"We don't have to...." I pulled his lips to mine letting him know it's okay to carry on.

Avan's POV

I was so worried that I had hurt her, I would of never forgiven myself if I did.

Liz is very how do you say... hidden about her feelings and I can tell by the way she tried to hide her smile before.

"Liz do you want to stop?" I asked starting to see her facial expression change

"We don't have to if you don't want to" Liz answered obviously tired. I slowly pulled out of her and put my clothes back on whilst she just sort of sat there in a daze.

"Liz is everything ok?" I questioned worried

"Yeah I'm fine sorry I just spaced out I do that a lot" she laughed then moved to put on her clothes

"Hey I have a spare shirt you can sleep in you can't sleep in your dress" I smiled at her

"Are you sure?" She walked towards me as I put my arms around her waist

"Yeah wait there"

Liz's POV

I could smell his cologne on the shirt as he handed me it. I slipped it on and sat and waited for him to return.

I hadn't really payed much attention to his body so when he walked out with only shorts on I had to stop my jaw from dropping, his abs were amazing, really if I could only touch on thing for the rest of my life it would be his abs that's how amazing they are.

"It's weird seeing a girl in one of my shirts" he laughed as he sat next to me

"Yeah I guess it would probably weird seeing you in my clothes" Ahhh well that's an idea "hey why don't we do that?"

"Do what?" Avan seemed confused now

"Go back in your room and put my clothes on let's see how weird it is" I explained in laughter

"Only because it's your clothes you know the ones I pulled off you 15 minutes ago" he smirked

"Ha ha ha here go put them on shout me if you get confused" I smirked back

"I'll have you know I'm good with girls clothes?" Avan answered offended

"How so?" I asked

"I got yours off didn't I?" he said once again smirking

"Shut it you go on put my clothes on" I said slyly

Avan's POV

I can't believe I was doing this, but it's worth it if I'm gonna get to hear Liz laugh and see her smile.

"Are you ready?" I questioned

"Yes hurry up!" she said trying to hold in her laughter. I walked out and as soon as she caught a glimpse of me she burst out into tears of laughter

"I love you, you actually did it!" Liz said in hysterics

"Love you too, why does this amuse you so much?" I couldn't help but laugh with her

"You actually said yes to wearing my clothes and put them in and come out here all for my own amusement and what makes it more funny is that you look better in them clothes than I do" Liz said still laughing

"Well I have to disagree with that miss Gillies these clothes don't look nearly as nice on me as they do on you." I said and then I was reminded I had to tell her again "Your so beautiful"

"If I reminisce you have already said that countless times tonight" she smiled shyly

"Yes, but I promised myself that I will tell you that as many times I can everyday just so you know" I smiled proudly

Liz's POV

He really is amazing he's kind, so sweet, has the best personality, a weird sense of humour and to top it all off insanely good looking. Avan is basically my definition of perfection.

"Your sweet" here I go being all shy again! Jesus Christ Liz you just had sex with the guy how can you be shy? I thought to myself

"Thank you" he seemed very spaced out "I'm not meaning to be rude, but even though I could sit there all day and listen to your perfect voice I'm extremely tired, do you think it will be ok if we went to bed?" Avan started to yawn.

I didn't answer I just took his hand led him into his bedroom and started to take my clothes off his body as he sort of stood there in a daze holding me, once he only had his underpants on I pulled him over to his bed then his attention to turn to me.

"Why are you so beautiful your eyes are entrancing I was hypnotised by them" Avan said in somewhat amazement

"Well now that you are paying attention we are going to sleep you have extremely cute sleepy eyes." I said whilst moving a piece of his hair out of his face.

"Night my gorgeous girl I love you so much thank you for an amazing night" he said sweetly

"Your so cute I love you too, this amazing night is all down to you" I said kissing his cheek then snuggling into him.

"Have a good sleep don't worry I will still be here in the morning" he joked, then we both fell asleep our bodies entwined.

Next chapter will lead from this just so it won't confuse you all.

I'm sorry it's a long chapter I just had to put this in🙈

How long will this last?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ