Act 2 Scene 3

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Narrator: And now to continue another very exciting episode of Wordgirl!

Narrator: Becky is lying in her bed crying listening to her parents fight down below. There are loud crashes and shouting, getting louder every time.

Becky sobs, hugging her pillow.

TJ joins the chat.

TJ bursts through Becky's bedroom door with tears running down his face, he stares at Becky.

Becky opens her arms.

TJ runs and cries with Becky without saying a word.

Narrator: Becky and TJ stay like this for a while. When the fighting doesn't stop and starts to sound really bad, Becky makes a decision.

Becky: TJ, look at me.

TJ looks at Becky, his face red.

Becky: We have to leave tonight. This is getting too dangerous. Do you think Johnson and his dads will take us in tonight?

TJ thinks for and moment and nods.

Becky nods back. She stands up and starts to pack thing up around her room.

Becky: TJ, I need you to go to your rooms and pack thing that you'll need for just tonight.

TJ nods and goes to his room to pack.

Narrator: When Becky and TJ finished packing they met back up in Becky's room, she had woken up Bob and told her the plan at this point and he had pack a few of his things, too.

Becky whispers.

Becky: TJ, we are going to climb down from my window and walk to Johnson's, okay?

TJ looks back at Becky's closed bedroom door, worried. Whispers too.

TJ: What about mom and dad? Aren't they going to get mad, when we aren't here tomorrow morning?

Becky: Don't worry about that, I'll take care of that tomorrow after school. We just have to get out of here, tonight.

TJ nods nervously.

Becky: Okay, good. Let's go.

Narrator: Becky climbs down first and stands at the bottom so she can catch her brother if he falls. Bob climbs down with TJ to help him along the way. They all get down safely and they slowly start to walk towards Johnson's house. When they arrive at the house they find the light all off.

Becky stops, confused.

Becky: Why are all they're lights off, it's only...

Becky looks at her phone. 8:30.

Becky slowly walks up the stoop to the door with Bob and TJ on her heals. She knocks, but nobody answers. She reluctantly ring the bell, and nobody answers again.

Becky: I don't understand, it's only 8:30, they shouldn't be asleep.

TJ remembers something.

TJ: Oh no! I forgot! They went to see Johnson's Grandfather, he's really sick!

Becky: Urrrggghhh! What are we gonna do?

TJ: What about Violet?

Becky tensed.

Becky: We can't go to Violet's because she...she...she has the flu! They all have the flu! Her whole family!

TJ: Well what are we gonna do? Johnson is out of town. Violet and her family have the flu, where are we gonna sleep tonight? I'm scared, Becky!

Becky hugs TJ.

Becky: Just give me a minute I'll figure something out. Don't be scared, I'll find us somewhere to stay.

Narrator: To be continued on another exciting episode of Wordgirl!

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