Act 2 Scene 1

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Hey guys! MoosieSick here.

Yes, it's happening! I am actually going to keep going with the story. I can't promise anything with the updating. I have a very hectic and crazy life and I can't be on here every day. I'll do my best to update regularly, though.

Comments, good or bad, please. I love hearing from you guys.

Alright, that's it. I hope you enjoy!


Becky joins the chat.

Violet joins the chat.

Scoops joins the chat.

Narrator joins the chat.

Narrator: And now, to start another exciting episode of Wordgirl!

Narrator: Becky is in the school hallway at her locker. She is looking over at Scoops locker, where Violet and Scoops are talking.

Tobey joins the chat.

Tobey: Go.

Becky jumps and drops her books.

Becky: Tobey! Don't do that!

Becky starts to pick up her books.

Tobey helps Becky pick up her books.

Tobey: Sorry. But I couldn't resist. You're just so cute when you're scared.

Tobey smirks as they stand back up.

Becky blushes.

Becky: Stop it!

Becky turns her attention back to Violet and Scoops.

Tobey: Go. Talk to her.

Becky: I can't she's not going to want to talk to me. She's never going to want to talk to me again.

Becky starts to tear up.

Tobey hugs her.

Tobey: Hey. Hey. Now don't do that. You don't know anything unless you've tried.

Becky wipes her eyes.

Becky: You're right. I'll try.

Becky starts to walk towards Violet.

Violet turns her head smiling. When she sees Becky she stops immediately, turning angry. She quickly stomps away.

Violet leaves the chat.

Scoops follows Violet's gaze. He see Tobey and Becky, then his eyes widen and he rushed after her.

Scoops leaves the chat.

Becky stands in he middle of the hallway in shock. People push passed her, not bothering to apologize.

Tobey comes up behind her and pulls her into a hug.

Becky: I told you. She hates me. She's never going to talk to me again.

Becky cries into his shoulder.

Tobey rubs her back.

Tobey: I know. I know. It's okay. I'm here.

Narrator: Later, after Becky has calmed down...

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