Chapter 14: SOS

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Bjorn's POV

June 5, 2019

So far, it's already been a few days since we've arrived in Dubai and Benny, Frida, Henry, and Gorel have joined us. Over the past few days, I've been finding every excuse to get away from Lena and be close to the one and only person I truly loved: Agnetha. Right now, it's about 6:30 AM here in Dubai and I'm still lying in bed with Lena on the other side and not Anna. I roll my eyes and get up from bed.

Today, Benny and I are spending the day together, while everyone else does their own thing. Benny and I will talk about the new songs and the abbatars, of course. But there's one very important thing that I want to discuss with him. Today, I plan to take Agnetha out for dinner. Just me and her. I'll also tell him that I'm planning to divorce Lena, but that will happen once we are back in Sweden.

Oh and speaking of Lena, I'm very concerned about her behavior. Agnetha has been telling me that Lena is planning some sort of revenge on her and silly me hasn't really believed her too much. But as of last night, I'm already starting to see what Anna is talking about. When I got back to the room that I shared with Lena last night, after having dinner with the family, I overheard Lena talking to Mona on the speakerphone through WhatsApp. And to make a long story short, I overheard things that I wish I didn't overhear and I'll do whatever it takes to protect my beloved golden angel from any form of danger. I finish getting dressed and as I'm getting ready to leave, Lena just had to stop me.

"Where do you think you're going?!" she hissed.

"I told you! I'm going to be with Benny all day!"

"Are you sure? Or is that just an excuse to hang out with that slut?!"

"Excuse me?! Who are you calling a slut?!"

"Agnetha Faltskog. Simple as that," Lena said calmly. My blood began to boil with rage and it's barely even 7 AM.

"Insult Agnetha once again or you're going to get it!" I yelled, ready to slap Lena. Lena immediately put her arms up and next thing you know, there were knocks on the door and I answered. It was Benny.

"Bjorn! What's going on?! Everything ok?" he asked, sounding concerned.

"Everything's fine. I'll explain in a little bit. Anyways, I'm ready to go. Lena, we're leaving!"

"Whatever!" Lena hissed, rolling her eyes at Benny and I.

Benny and I left the room afterwards and I'm just glad we left that room. We got into the elevator and went to the lobby for breakfast. After getting our food, we decided to sit down and talk.

"Ok, Bjorn. Let's talk. Just you and me as the best friends that we've always been for 53 years and counting as of today," Benny said.

I sighed and said, "Well...there's so many things that I have to talk to you about. I just had a scrap with Lena as usual. I overheard her talking to Mona last night and she's planning to get revenge on Agnetha."

Benny's eyes widened in shock and horror. "What exactly does Lena want to do to Agnetha?" he asked.

"I don't know, but it doesn't sound good. Agnetha told me that her intuition told her that Lena was planning revenge and but stupid me just casually shrugged it off until now. I love Agnetha and you know that I'll do anything to protect her at all costs"

"That's good. You know Agnetha loves you just as much and will very much appreciate you protecting her. She'll be very thankful for that for sure. And I can't help but remember that one argument you and Agnetha had right before you two got divorced. That was intense and still fresh on my mind," Benny sighed.

"I remember, Benny. I totally regret everything I said to her that night which resulted in Agnetha sobbing her poor heart out in the bathroom. I didn't have the courage to comfort her and apologize to her properly. I think somebody should've just locked Anna and I in a closet for hours and just to let us talk it out. That one thing could've saved our marriage. But I was stubborn and proud. I don't think I can tell you how much of a fool I truly was. I mean you know me so well that the rest became history. I should've begged Agnetha and the kids to come back to me instead of hooking up with Lena just a week later. If only time machines existed," I sighed.

"Bjorn, I understand very well that you have fucked up very badly when it comes to Agnetha. I saw with my own eyes. And you know I did the same thing with Frida. But, the past is the past, and we just have to let it go. It's time for a fresh start. I'm glad that you and Agnetha are starting to get back together again. But another concern is what about Lena? Are you two planning to divorce?"

"Yes, I am planning to divorce Lena. I wasted 40 years of my life being married to such an insensitive bitch like her. The only good parts of that marriage were when Emma and Anna were born and nothing else. And speaking of Emma and Anna, thank God they've both inherited my personality. But you do have a point, the past is the past and it's time for a fresh start. Once we get back to Sweden, as soon as we get back, I'm handing Lena the divorce papers and the rest will be history. But for now, I'm planning to take Agnetha out for dinner tonight."

"Where to?"

"I don't know yet, but I'm hoping for somewhere fancy. Somewhere special. Just the two of us. Agnetha and I. But for now, I'm going to stay positive in light of this whole situation and I'll find a good way to surprise Anna for dinner," I said.

"Well good luck with that, my friend. I wish you and Agnetha all the best. You both deserve it," Benny said, patting me on the back. We both got up from the table and went back to our rooms to prepare for the day. Once I got back to my room, Lena was showering so I used this opportunity to grab my iPad and head out to the balcony. Once I took a seat on the balcony chairs and turned my iPad on, I began to find romantic ideas and make tonight a very special night for both me and my golden angel.

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