Chapter 10: Shop 'Til You Drop

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Agnetha's POV

June 3, 2019

So today is our first full day in Dubai and so far, so good. We spent the morning visiting the Burj Khalifa and eating lunch and now we are all headed to the Dubai Mall to do some shopping. Well, not exactly everyone. Lena, Emma, and Anna didn't feel like going so it's just me, Bjorn, Linda, Christian, Jens, Isabelle, and all the grandchildren. After about a 20 minute drive, we are there.

We all exit the caravan and we are amazed at how big this mall is along with the many international and local stores and outlets are there. There are so many stores to choose from that we are all very overwhelmed. Bjorn grabs a map of the mall and we all look at it.

"Well we all know we are here on the first floor, that's for sure. How about we split up and go our own separate ways while we here and we shall meet back at this spot in about 2 hours?"

"Sounds like a plan!" Linda exclaimed and we all nodded our heads in agreement.

Christian, Isabelle and their little daughter went their separate ways, as did Linda, Jens, and their three girls. I was just about to tag along with Linda and Jens when I felt an arm grabbing me. It was Bjorn.

"Bjorn, what are you doing?!"

"Don't you want to shop with me? I can buy you a new wardrobe."

"I would but..."

"But what?"

"Are you crazy?! What if someone sees us?!"

"It doesn't matter. People will leave us alone anyways. Plus I would rather be seen in public holding hands with you than with Lena."

"Alright then, if that's what you want."


Bjorn took my hand and we started walking around the mall for a bit looking for stores to shop at. We walk into a nice, clothing store and I start taking a look at several outfits. After about 10 minutes of looking around, I turn and see Bjorn holding a few pairs of clothes. Women's clothes to be exact.

"Bjorn, what's with these outfits?"

"They're for you."

I shook my head and Bjorn took notice. He grabbed me by the hand.

"Come on, let's try these on. I bet they will look excellent on you!"

And with that Bjorn drags me into the fitting room and I try on the outfits that he picked out for me. Out of the 5 outfits that he picked, I only looked good in 3 of them. We left the fitting room and paid for the 3 outfits before leaving the store.

"So what's next?" I asked turning to Bjorn.

"More shopping of course!" Bjorn replied, taking my hand and dragging me into another clothing store. Once we were there, Bjorn did the same thing he did at the last store. He picked about 5 more outfits for me to wear and then dragged me into the fitting room to try them on. This time, I looked good in all 5 outfits. We left the fitting room and paid for the 5 additional outfits before leaving the store. I turned to Bjorn again.

"Now that you've bought me all these wonderful clothes, I think I should give you some justice and buy some outfits for you. What do you say?"

"I don't think so!" Bjorn said sarcastically.

"Well you're coming with me!"

I grabbed Bjorn by the hand and together we found another store on the second floor of the mall and I dragged him into a men's clothing store. While Bjorn was looking around and making small talk with one of store employees, I picked out about 10 outfits for him. When Bjorn was just about done with his conversation with the store employee, I dragged him into the fitting room. Only half of the clothing I picked out looked good on him. We left the fitting room and paid for the outfits before leaving the store. We bumped into Linda, Jens, and the girls on our way out.

"Mama! Papa! There you are!" Linda exclaimed as she gave me and Bjorn warm hugs, as did Jens, Tilda, Esther, and Signe.

"Where are you guys off to now?" I asked.

"We're done shopping," Linda explained.

"There wasn't that much things that we needed to buy," Jens said.

"But on the other hand, I see that you and Grandpa bought a lot of clothes already," Tilda said, while Esther and Signe chuckled a bit.

"Well I thought your grandmother needed a new wardrobe and apparently your grandmother felt the same about me!" Bjorn said laughing and we all hooted.

"Anyways, we were thinking of visiting the aquarium that's here," Linda said.

"Excellent! I think we should go!" Bjorn exclaimed.

"But wait, what about our stuff? And Christian and his family?" I asked.

"We can send them a text," Bjorn replied.

"And our bags?"

"Don't worry about our shopping bags, mama. Let's have some fun," said Linda.

"Ok then. I guess we are going to the aquarium."

We then took off to the aquarium since we were done shopping at this point. Linda texted Christian on her phone telling him that we were going to be at the aquarium and if he and his family wanted to come. Within minutes, Christian and his family were going to join us at the aquarium. This should be a good time before we have to head back to the hotel for dinner, knowing that by then, I would have to face Lena again. But for now, I'm going to try to stay positive by spending time at the aquarium with my ex-husband, my children, and my grandchildren.

A Family VacationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora