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        So, I reused this story for an english assignment. The assignment was basically write anything that includes 15-30 words from Great Gatsby. I like this versions better than the orginal.

        So heres an update, woo~ Basically the same thing but better.


        Skin creating a new kind of luminosity,

        Mind as clear as an eternal oblivion,

        Lips mimicking gently placed garnets deep with vinous color,

        Hair elongating down her back like a horses black mane,

        Heart beating with incessant treasures,

        Her wealth richer than the extremes you dream about,

        Body a long sip of tonic to the eyes,

        Personality succulent in every way,

        Smile spectroscopic, sending you into a nebulous  stage

        Her staid nobility greater than the royal dog,


        But those are just effectual rumors started by the garrulouscommoners.

        You see, I am the epitome of the perfect princess; the one all the little girls in my kingdom wistfully sigh over, wishing to be. I sit pretty and straight every second of the day in order to radiate vitality constantly. I wave the princess wave that takes years to master- do you know how long it takes to be jaunty on command? I have the facets that make men drop their lives just to court me. I’m as rich as the heavens, and my family has spent an innumerable amount on my tutors to make sure my brains match. Once again, I am the ideal, perfect, controlled princess.

        But just like the rumors, I am superbly fake and meretricious. The truth is much simpler than that.

        I am just what you picture me to be. I could be the gorgeous, supercilious queen whose malevolence could rot an apple to its core. I could be mincing product of that little girls imagination. I could be the conniving liar lying in wait for my next victim, or maybe the role model meant for you to beat. Am I the impeccable princess or the harrowing suspect of crimes?

        However, I am no one special despite these possibilities. From my perspective, none of that matters. I am not ravenous over fame or fortune. What I am in disarray over is a sin. I know I shouldn’t want something this sinister, and I don’t. I crave it. I try desperately to get it everyday, but I can never succeed.

        I will implore endlessly for this. I would happily be the ecstatic housewife making dozens of children for my spouse or the debauchee who indulges in holocausts. I’ve even attempted to take my own life in order to grasp my wanting, my craving, my goal.

        What could possibly permeate me with such a cynical, deadly desire?

        Think. Think hard.

        Let us gather up the hints I have discarded so carelessly, in which I have failed to contain my secret.

        I am the princess, the fairest of them all with white skin and black, thin hair and with the beauty and brains.

        I have the riches already and more fame than I need, yet I want neither nor my beauty.

        The rumors are nothing to me, personal image being an optional fetish.              

        The needing I want is a sin, so it’s obliviously elude from the regular mind.

        I would do anything for just a teensy-weensy taste.

        Got it yet? No, it’s not human blood, but I will shed it in return for this. No, it's not that over fantasized prince charming on a white horse; I already have my fool in shining tin foil that came riding in on an ass. It's not even to be a normal person.

         I have succumbed to the sin of envy—envy being jealous of another. But I am not just envious of one person; I want to be them all. Small, fat, tall, anorexic, poor, rich, genially, haughty—it doesn't matter, I am just jealous of them all.

        Looks like the mirror made a mistake, I know. If I was the blasted mirror, then maybe I would have predicted the correct persona of a person. Wouldn't knowing the true side of a person by merely looking at them be, as if, orgastic?

        Oh damn, I did it again.

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