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(A/N: hello readers welcome to the Prologue of the story. Now let's begin)

(A/N: music)

For a hundred and sixty millions years, the dinosaurs ruled this world

While living in their shadows was a group of animals which couldn't have been more different

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While living in their shadows was a group of animals which couldn't have been more different. These were the ancestors, small furry creatures called mammals clinging to safety wherever they could. But the mammals time would come. Sixty five million years ago volcanic activity started to poison the atmosphere. The last dinosaurs were already living in a sick planet when their nemesis arrived from space. A meteor ten kilometer wide slammed into earth to make the end of the reign of dinosaurs

But what happened after that ? The survivors of the extinction all had one thing in common, their size

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But what happened after that ? The survivors of the extinction all had one thing in common, their size. Nearly every animal over ten kilograms have been wiped out leaving a world of little creatures. Among them were the mammals. Mammals got more and more successful until they were the biggest, fiercest and more spectacular animals in the planet. However the mammals weren't the only one that took over the world, humans also made their appearance and they began building kingdoms in which they lived peacefully and away from the dangerous mammals that are carnivores and hunt they're prey but the humans weren't the only one who also have appeared. Magical creatures also made they're appearance

 Magical creatures also made they're appearance

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