Chapter 11- Spectator

Start from the beginning

There were nine in all, but there should've been ten.

Harrison sighed, shaking away the feeling. He couldn't think about this right now. It was best if he focused on the fights.

"Students of Fistborn Academy, welcome to the awaited Emergency Pressure Exams!"

The students clapped and cheered in the stadium seats. With such an unusual situation, the excitement had skyrocketed.

"As you all know, this last-minute, all-day pressure exam was organized in light of the recent expulsion of student Juum Brutwasten, who was found guilty of smuggling illegal Dnilian tech into the school, and impersonating a Martian student, all in order to ruin our academy's reputation."

The crowd booed in response.

"Now that Mr. Brutwasten has left our school, there is one more spot open for a new potential fighter, for as you know, the Versus class must not be incomplete. Today, Ms. Lílitha Houdge— call sign 'Piranha'—, the 150th seed of the 2346 Fistborn Versus team, will be combating against every single applicant who has passed the second stage of admission. This will determine who will be entering the academy this coming month!"

They cheered again as Lílitha walked out to the arena, dressed in the standard combat armor suit. Harrison clapped along with his comrades.

"I hope they aren't an annoying bloke who thinks they can be Favorite on the first day," Catherine remarked.

"Without further ado, let's welcome the first challenger to the Arena!"

Harrison could see Lílitha shifting on her feet, stretching her limbs to their longest. The capsule glass zoomed in to show her battle-hungry smile.

"She's going to bite this one," Reilly said. Harrison hadn't expected him to comment much; he was a silent soul.

"Welcome to the Arena... a talented Paeseoan from Wisconsin, scoring the required 60 on his practical test, but still showing massive potential... Anders Nilsson!"

Most of the crowd respectfully clapped as the man walked out to the arena, accompanied by boos from the more audacious bunch. He seemed confident at first, but slowed when the announcer yelled out his grade to everyone. His head ducked and he took smaller steps.

Li Mei laughed. "I hated when they told my grade to everyone. It was the most embarrassing thing I went through."

Disaris snorted. "You've embarrassed yourself worse. Like in Teamwork, when you-"

"Shut the glitch up, or I'll shove a virus down your throat." She held up a finger. Disaris snickered, hiding his smile with his fist.

The Paeseoan hopeful exchanged formalities with Lílitha before heading over to the indicators across from her. There were no weapons or fancy tech around, just them and the arena.

"Prepare yourselves! Ready in 10, 9, 8..."

The crowd counted down along with the announcer, stomping their feet rhythmically, as was tradition to keep the excitement high. Harrison narrowed his eyes at the Paeseoan, who visibly gulped as Lílitha flashed her sharp teeth at him.

"3... 2... 1... FIGHT!"

Instantly, Lílitha bolted forward, her speed catching her opponent off-guard. In no time at all, she'd stretched one of her legs to wrap around his neck, locking him in a deadly wrestling hold, and bit down on his shoulder. The armor kept her teeth from breaking his skin, but the pain still registered, causing him to yell.

"Oh, my- seriously?! She just couldn't wait, could she?" Catherine shook her head.

The Paeseoan's legs gave out so he could slam her onto the floor. It worked, allowing him to twist out of her grip. Rage clouded his eyes as he got back into position, wincing and clutching his shoulder.

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