Chapter 13

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In this world full of lies, only one thing escapes it... The truth.

In the world of truths, people wants to avoid it.

People wants to avoid the truth, why? Because truth hurts, truth makes you realize that you are fool enough to believe the lies.

Truth is like this wooden stick and we are the vampire that one strike, it could kill you.

Why does people have to be blind by the truth? Why do they more believed in lies rather than the truth?

Is it because lies are more easy to endure? Is it because truth weighs more than lies?

But we should still be aware of the truth, truth is the one who makes us 'us'.

We are able to escape truth and reality, but there's a consequence, and that is pain.

Pain. Pain gives the overall definition of the word truth and lies.

I myself would prefer to be in the truth yet in the lies, I can't be on one thing if it had two ways. Because sometimes, too much truth isn't good and so as the lies.

Both seems to result as pain and regret.. And the answer for both is acceptance.

Acceptance where you accept both truth and lies, where you realize that both of them is a wrong choice.

Wrong choice because if you choose only one.. It results pain.. Yet another one.. With regret. So there's no such thing as one choice only, if there's more choices then it would be the best.. All you need to do is to use all choices in forms of controlling.

Controlling your mind, heart and emotion.

Ps: once you regret one thing... There's no point of blaming anyone but yourself, your decision reflects your action and your action reflects your own attitude.. And that's what people see.

Signing off,
Andrea Ingres

After meeting with Angel and Kairo, me and Shawn went home. And since I was bored, I wrote something here in my journal.

Pillow is now sleeping in my bed. After writing, I put my journal in a place where no Shawn can see.

I took my phone and opened my facebook account. It's been a while now since I entered social media world.

There were lots of notifications but one thing caught my attention.

Kairo Valentino sent you a friend request.

And since he added, I stalked him.

His newsfeed was more on about shares. I dig and dig and dig and dig until I found some pictures.

It was his picture with two twins beside him, but what caught my attention was the background... It's a hospital room.

He was wearing this black beanie and a hospital dress.

I was observing the picture until I saw something...

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