"There he is the man of the hour," Krista smirked the minute I walked up.

"Krista Santiago, to what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked as I looked her up and down. I couldn't lie she looked good as fuck in her uniform. I scanned her over before looking back up at her. She looked damn good.

"Jayceon Taylor, I just got a tip about some drugs being sold in this club, this pill look familiar to you?" She asked holding up a plastic bag with one of my pills in it. Showing no emotion I waved her off. How the fuck did she get one of the pills. A tip? So I do got a snitch. But who?

" I don't know what you talking about," I said back.

"I'm sure you don't but once I find out, I'll let you in on everything," she smirked. I sucked my tongue getting annoyed.

"What the fuck you want Krista?" I asked trying to see why she really was on my ass.

"A sixteen year old girl died from these pills, if you're the one selling them I'm going to make sure you get what you deserve,"

"Is that why you really here?" I asked looking her dead in her eyes.

"I don't have no other reason to be here, you made your choice years ago, I'm over that we're over that," she said back.

"Apparently not, you get a tip and instantly jump on it? Nah you been on my heels searching me up for years, you just won't let that hurt go will you Krista!" I said to her. She looked like she was fighting back her tears so I knew I had struck a nerve.

"You better hope those drugs don't belong to you, if they do I'm gonna lock you away for good," she said as she glared at me.

"Hey we got something!" One of the dude's shouted. My heart began to pound and my hands began to shake. I put them in my pockets and kept my cool. I watched as he passed her a piece of paper.

"Alright boys that's it lets rap it up," She said smiling from ear to ear. What the hell is she up too? I thought to myself.

"Well Jayceon, it's been nice but it's going to be way nicer seeing you in orange, it's so sad that I'll eventually have to tell our son his daddy is a criminal," she smirked before walking away.

Wtf. Did she just say our son?!

I stood there confused as fuck. "Yo skyler!" I yelled.

"Yeah boss!" He yelled back.

"Send out a text mandatory meeting at the club tonight!" I yelled before storming off to my office. I pulled out my phone and dialed a number. Two can play this game. I said to myself.

Amber -

"I'm convinced Jayceon done lost his damn mind," Mark said as he put a spoonful of pasta in his mouth.

"He really let that girl stay there without asking you?" Tina asked.

"Yes, he did, I feel like I should just leave," I said playing around in the pasta. I had suddenly lost my appetite just thinking about Jayce letting Erica stay there without asking me. I still wasn't over it. Like damn who did he think he was?

What gave him the right to just walk all over me and allow her to stay in my home. My shit. Our shit. We both equally pay bills. Besides taking out the trash and keeping up with the lawn, I do all the work.

I cook, clean, as well as take care of Harlem. He's with me from sunrise to sunset. Half the time Jayceon wouldn't even know how he's doing if I didn't call him to give him updates.

I don't knock him because I know he's working his ass off trying his hardest to maintain things with the club. Even though he tells me all the time that he's not running in the streets, I know he is. I know he's still selling.

The money he's bringing in can't just be coming from the club. I've noticed the large sums of money that he's been depositing in our account. I don't question it because I know it's to pay bills, but sometimes I wonder if he's being safe out there, and that call that he got earlier today. He seemed really upset, I watched him as he got ready to leave out. I hoped and prayed that Jayceon wasn't back into any trouble.

When we first started dating I knew he was selling then but he promised me he would stop. Eventually he did stop for a while but then he got back to it. He laid low and got his own apartment, I was with Jayceon through it all. The police even raided his apartment one day when I was there. Luckily he was smart enough not to keep no dope where he laid his head. Around this time I was about to go off to school.

I begged him to leave the game alone and come off to school with me, but he declined. I don't know why, I didn't leave him then, but I stayed hoping and praying that he would change his life around. He was more than these streets. Jayceon didn't give himself enough credit, but he was very intelligent, and he could draw. Why he never went to school and put his talents to good use I don't know.

Instead he drew up a blue print for the club, he hung it on the wall and told me that he would own his own club one day, and make fast money. I believed in his dreams no matter how silly they were.

I stayed by his side even though he accused me several times of cheating. I didn't love any other man the way that I loved Jayceon Terrell Taylor. When he asked me to marry him, that was the happiest day of my life. Like my mom always telling me, I love him down to his dirty draws and I would always be there for him.

No matter what, but I often wondered if he would hold me down the same way. Lately he had been mad disrespectful and I had to do something, I had to do something to make him get it. To make him understand that it wouldn't be no problem leaving him, even if that wasn't true. I had to be strong and stand on my own two feet. I could no longer allow him to walk all over me. Those days were over. I was a new woman. I had a new attitude. He was either going to get with the program or get left behind.

"Just leave, bitch if anything he would be leaving, you don't just pack your bags and go, you giving that bitch the wrong idea," Tina said back.

"What you mean?" I asked.

"I mean you need to be very aware, that bitch think she slick. You don't just leave and then come back whenever you want to, He got a soft spot for her or something because ain't no way in hell," Tina said.

"He doesn't have a soft spot for her, he's Harlem's mother, and I guess he feels sorry for her,"

"That's my point Amber, he feeling sorry for her that shit gone always happen it's something more to it if I were you I'd make her come out with it, she wants something," Tina replied.

"I don't know T, I don't wanna jump to any conclusions and start something that's really nothing. I just want him to have more respect for me,"

"Put your foot down, make it to where he has to respect you, like it's his only option, I mean he's only doing this because it's what you allow," Mark said.

"I guess you're right, I'll figure out what I'm going to do eventually," I sighed. After we got done eating, we paid the bill and went to get our feet done. The whole time at the nail shop I thought we were being followed. There was a police car following behind us. Every move we made they were right behind us. I knew deep down Jayce was in some kind of trouble, I was going to confront him about it later and he had better told me the truth.

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