it's me

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TW : *Greeting and sit *

POSITION :  JH - SN - TZ - DH - MM - NY - JY - CY

JY : *look at CY* hey come on she's gonna be alright

CY : how do you kn—

JY : We all know and we miss her too so , come on cheer up , there's so many camera here .

CY : then what's the problem ?

JY : how if Mina see this pictures of you being sad all the time ? that'll makes her more sad dude

CY : *smile automatically*


CY : *whispers* Imy Mina

TW : *saw the incident and suddenly go straight to NoJAM and * GROUP HUG .

jeez it's me authornim . sorry for the long lost haha . by the way i'm busy for now but i'm gonna comeback I swear . and let's pray for MINA'S HEALTH ❤️

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