I'll Protect You (ThorXReader)

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The screams emanating from your throat matched the pitch of a siren. Dogs across New York howled in agony, and cracks began to slowly inch into visibility from the sides of the windows. The sound of a solid wall being pulverized with a single blow mixed with the deafening sound as a blur of blonde, silver, red, and black plowed into the living room.

"(Y/N)!!! WHAT IS WRONG?!?!" Thor panted, his wild eyes scanning every inch of the room, searching for the unseen threat.

You were backed into a corner, sweat beading off of your skin, limbs pulled tightly against your body. You rigid breathing filled the air as you watched the little creature scurrying around a few feet away from you. "KILL IT!!! KILL IT!!!! KILL IT!!!!!" you screamed. Your shrieks increased to maximum volume as the little spider began to crawl towards you. You flattens yourself against the wall, the soft pitter patter of the spider's legs signaling your doom.

Thor's grip on Mjolnir immediately slackened. He gazed at you, curled up in a corner, terrified of a common house arachnid. He wanted to be upset, to be furious, at you because of your childish behavior, but he couldn't find it in his heart to do so. You, the love of his life, were truly scared of this creature, no matter how small it was, and it was his job to protect you. Besides, you were so cute when you were panicking. Setting Mjolnir down, Thor strode over to you, knelt down beside you, and scooped you up in his arms.

"(Y/N), the spider cannot hurt you," he consoled sweetly.

"Get rid of it!" You cried, tears threatening to slip down your cheeks.

Sighing, Thor gazed at the tiny, brown ball of fuzz and legs on the ground. How something so tiny and weak could inflict such fear in you, he did not understand, but he had to make you happy again. In an effort to make you feel better, he lifted his foot high into the air. However, he slammed his large boot nearly the spider instead, spooking it and sending it scuttling off.

"TTTTHHHHOOOOOORRRRR!!!!" You moaned, "Why didn't you kill it? Now it's gonna come after me!"

Thor chuckled, "I did not realized the spider had a personal vendetta against you."

You wanted to pout, to be upset and angry, and you wanted him to apologize. Yet, how could you stay mad at someone with such a handsome smile, shining eyes, and merry laugh. Much to your disdain, a smile graced your lips.

"Well, it does, and when it comes for me in the night and kills me in my sleep, I'm gonna haunt you as revenge!" you spat.

Thor smirked at you lovingly, "Or, you and I could sleep in the same room."

"......that's an option as well."


You could literally feel your stomach eating away at itself as you trotted down the steps and into the kitchen of Stark Tower. However, to your shock, you found Tony inside, chopping vegetables with an extremely large knife. When he saw you, an smile far too cheerful for the crazy billionaire plastered itself onto his features.

"Hello, (Y/n)," he said sweetly.

You didn't answer; your mind was still processing the scene before you. Tony? Making his own food instead of demanding someone else do it for him? That alone made you suspicious.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)? You seem uneasy."

"Should you really be doing that?"

"(Y/n), I'm not completely oblivious to the ways of normal life. I know how to chop vegetables," Tony retorted, rolling his eyes. However, you watched, horrified, as Tony missed the vegetables and cut straight through his own wrist instead! You watched as his face changed from one of sass to one of pain and shock. Your screams mixed together in the air as he clutched the stump where his hand used to connect to his arm. Watery blood began to pour from the wound. Suddenly, before you could react, a screaming Tony turned on you, and the blood began to spray all over your clothes. You scream harder and harder as your shirt was soaked with the stuff. However, you suddenly heard a different sound. A laugh, more distinctly, Tony's laugh. You opened your eyes to see the billionaire laughing hysterically. It was then that some of the "blood" slipped into your mouth. It was tart.

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