Isabella runs ahead and takes Bubbles out of Joel's hands making kissy faces at her. And I watch bummed out as Joel grabs Isabella by her waist, bringing her into him, and spins her around with the tiny dog in her arms.

'They kinda look like their own little family already...' I sigh thinking to my self upset with my own thought. 'That should be me. I'd treat her amazingly. I'd always have her laughing. She'd never be sad. She wouldn't have to worry about mone-'

"Chris Hurry up! You're lagging behind and I lost bubbles to Erick!" My thoughts are cut off by the voice of the short girl that's dragging my hand towards the van. She sounds upset but all I can think about is the fact that she's holding my hand- well...dragging it, but same thing. "Chrissss! C'mon!"

"Okay okay, relájate amor, ya vamos,"(relax love, we're going,) I laugh as we get to the van and she quickly scrambles in finding a seat next to me and across from Richard so she can take bubbles who was now in Richards lap.

"¡Mire Christopher! ¡mire! I have Bubbles!" She sticks her head as well as the puppy in my point of view. I laugh at how excited she is every time she gets to spend time with this dog who's been traveling with us for the past week now. (Look Christopher! Look!)

"Cariño, prácticamente vivimos con ella! ¿Porque te emocionas tanto?" I question laughing, looking down at her innocent face. (Darling, we practically live with her! Why are you getting so excited?)

"I- es que ella es tan pequeñita y adorable que me da cosa si no me emociono..." she pauses, waiting for me to respond but I was caught off guard by her cuteness that I didn't know what to say! "that probably sounds dumb" she laughs at herself looking down at the puppy now asleep in her lap. (It's just that she's so little and adorable it makes me feel bad if I don't get excited.)

"No, no, it's pretty cute honestly..." I tell her, her face slowly turns towards me giving me a shy smile which I don't see on her often. She's usually a little spitfire but right now she's so innocent I just want to wrap her up in my arms and protect her from everything. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by a smack on the back of my head.

"Pare de ver la haci, o te rompo el hocico, cabrón." (Stop looking at her like that, or I'll bust your mouth open, asshole.) grits his teeth glaring daggers at me. And I quickly look away facing forward, and out the window but not before making eye contact with Clara who's giving me a knowing look.

Zabdiel's POV

Chris has been in such a mood lately and it's getting on everyone's nerves except for Isabella because I don't think she's noticing. She's been annoying too lately. All she does is talk to Yashua on the phone or play with Bubbles and I'm sure everyone is tired of it.

I've resorted to finding different ways to get her attention. doing little things like laying my arm on her head while we're standing, playing footsie with her when we're all sat together at a table, playing with her hair, or when I notice her shifting on the couch I'll tell her she can lay her head on me and sleep if she wants- and the few times that she's actually fallen asleep she's ended up from my shoulder to curled up in my lap which I can tell drives Christopher and Joel crazy.

Joel is usually better at covering it up because he manages to get her attention just fine and they're pretty close. But I've noticed Christopher has been struggling to get Isa's attention lately. And so I know her attention on me, is driving him wild. It's pretty funny to watch him glare at me but he should learn his place.

I'm clearly not going anywhere any time soon and his little flirting is gonna get him nowhere. I'm out here making moves. What can he say? He told her a pick up line? While he did that I've already been cuddled with her on the couch while she plays with my hair. Like I said, I've been making moves. He's out here making moves with the wrong people, constantly flirting with her but then hooking up with some girl he's been talking to through DMs so like what's he tryna gain here?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2020 ⏰

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