1. Soon to be Greatest Psychic of the 21st Century! -And Mob-

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The man a few feet away jumped. That voice was unmistakable, as was the orange hair. Still in uniform, wasn't he supposed to be in school right now?

"Kageyama! Mob-Shishou!" 

Kageyama turned around and waited for the middle schooler to run towards him, and then stop directly in front of him. The orange haired child took a few minutes to catch his breath before straightening up to face Kageyama with a blinding grin.

"You were about to go exorcise a spirit right? Can I try to exorcise it this time? I've actually-"
"Reigen-San, doesn't school let out at 3:00?"
"Reigen-San, please go back to school, we've talked about this..." Kageyama said pleadingly.

"Ah, Mr. Psychic, who is this kid?" The woman with very, very defined cheeks, and blonde hair asked.

'Oh, a client.' Reigen thought.

"Pleased to meet you! I am Reigen Arataka, soon to be Greatest Psychic of the 21st century, and current apprentice to Mob-Shishou!" Reigen declared, loud and proud, waving his hands around.

"An apprentice?" The man with the woman asked. "So this kid-"

Kageyama sighed, and apologized to the clients.

"Reigen-San. You really should value your education. You can come by after school, but not before."
"I'll take you after school. And to answer your question, yes you can exorcise it this time."

"YES!" Reigen shouted, pumping a fist into the air.
"After school."
"Aw." Reigen pouted, then proceeded to walk away. "Fine."
"And do your homework."
"Gah!" Reigen groaned, as he walked back to school.


Reigen came after school, just in time for another exorcism. He and Mob-Shishou were going to a tunnel, in which evil spirits resided. A client had given them the pay beforehand, and a location.

Reigen patted his pockets, one full of salt, and the other, salt infused with some of Mob-Shishou's power. He learned a while back that salt wouldn't always work. Especially on stronger spirits. Also, he didn't want to waste it either.

He wasn't exactly bending spoons yet, but he supposed that hanging onto the salt was a good way to get going. Figure out how to use esper powers. He was a bit disappointed that he couldn't see all spirits yet, but it was all a work in progress.

Mob stood stoic and still on the empty bus. He was a bit intimidating with his blank stare, and tall stature, but that never deterred Reigen.

Reigen liked Mob, because Mob was different from most people, and it wasn't just the esper power. The 12 year old couldn't repress his
grin. A whole tunnel full of evil spirits!

When they got to their destination, Mob stared at the sign. He sweated nervously.

"What is it, Mob-Shishou?"
"Huh? Oh. It's nothing."

Reigen, satisfied with that answer decided to wander around, but instead of the tunnel that caught his attention, it was the ants crawling along in the cracked concrete. Each one of them following the other, all of them perfect little cogs in a machine.


The boy snapped out of his daze, and then followed Mob into the tunnel.

When Mob and Reigen entered the tunnel, it was dead silent. A small breeze blew by the entrance, as a clearing ominous, soft howling resounded in the tunnel.

Reigen felt his skin prickle, and grinned. There were definitely spirits here.

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