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I sat in the back of the class, my headphones playing my recent gig. I was deciding on a few cords, maybe I could text the cutie? I smiled at the thought then looked out the window.


I turned my head, just the person I was thinking about. I smiled as she walked over, her boots making a small thud. She wore a satchel which carried her school supplies. A light smile on her colored lips. She stood infront of me as I motioned for her to sit. She did so as I turned to her, pulling off my headphones.

"So cutie, hows your day been?"

She giggled then spoke.

"Other then Flair overdosing on Coffee this morning, I'm doing pretty well."

She chuckled at I tilted my head.

"You can overdose on coffee?"

"Apparently so."

I smiled as we continued to talk, I couldn't help but smile to where my face heart. When she said she liked Jagged Stone and the Mystery Blue Rock Boy. She said she really liked his songs and woundered why he kept his identity a secret. Then she stopped, I followed her sight to Chole being mean to another student. No suprise their. Then my eyes widend as she stood and strutted over. I watched as she stood between the two, causing the short blonde pixie named Rose to scamper away.

"You have no right to judge her sexuality."

W-what. I looked to Rose only to see her with my sister Jeuleka. I smiled then stood and walked to Marinette. I stood behind her as she spoke.

"Isn't it a sin to like the same gender!?"

The Cutie sighed then gave her a solemn smile.

"Would it be fair if I judged you for liking someone? Emotions..we can't control them. But our heart tells us where to go. So why not follow yours?"

She's so a melody. I could feel my chest pound as I looked at the girl. She smiled and befriended the blonde. Chole actually apologised to Rose and my sister. She turned to me, I couldn't help but smile at the bluenette. Then another blonde walked in, Mari was grabbing her stuff. As the teacher came in next, she moved to her seat as I watched with a smile. I then turned my attention to the front as she introduced the male.

"This is Adrien Agrest, I hope you treat him with kindness."

Chole jumped out of her seat and hugged him. Then I watched as he sat in front of Mari with, I belive Alya next to her. After things settled down class started.


"Luka, you going to work?"

I looked to the girl, ignored my pounding chest.

"No, I switched my shifts to the weekend."

She nodded and leaned against the table. Alya pranced over and hooked arms with the girl.

"How about we go to that Café, you went to yesterday!?"

She giggled as I slung my bag over my shoulder.

"You can bring your boyfriend too."

With both blushed at the comment. Then she did something absolutely adorable. She stuttered out a sentence, true we couldn't understand it. But its still adorable.

"W-we c..can't r-really walk their..."

She's right, it's too far of a walk. Alya made a thinking face. Then she smiled.

"Then come join us at lunch!"

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