"That's amazing." I said to Harry and Madam Rosmerta, she smiled to me and folded her arms.

"So what brings you here? From America?" She sweetly asked, I took one last sip and looked back at her.

"My father got a new job with The Ministry, and he seemed determined to send me to Hogwarts." I laughed a small bit, she clapped, humored.

"Well it is, the best school, after all," She remarked, "I'm sure you will feel right at home here. Have you met Hermione and Ron yet? You're in Gryffindor, correct?" She asked.

"Yes, I was placed in Gryffindor, and yes I've met them, Hermione is my best friend." I said to the owner of the bar, she continued asking me questions about myself, then went onto some of her tales from attending Hogwarts and how she became the owner of the bar. Harry and I finished our Butterbeers and ordered two more before she disappeared from the table.

"So what job was your dad offered here to make you guys pick up and move to another country?" Harry was slouching in his seat and his hair has managed to get into his face again, his bright green eyes beading at me.

"He's an Auror. A really good one, too." I said smiling to myself, I miss my father.

"You miss him." Harry said as if he was reading my mind, I sighed and nodded nervously.

"Of course. He's there in London while I'm here, with a new school, new studies, a new home, and new friends..." My voice lowered, he gently tapped his fingers on the table still watching me,"I'm doing my best to feel not alone." I simply stated. Madam Rosmerta returned and placed two more mugs in front of us.

"Enjoy." She gave me another one of her many warm smiles and walked away, I thanked her and picked up the drink to drown myself into this wonderful memory of candies and home.

"Don't get me wrong," I said placing my drink down, "you and Hermione have done an excellent job of making me feel... okay."

"Just okay?" His tone was low, I smiled shyly and bit my lip.

"Well you didn't speak to me for almost the entire week of me being here, so, this," I gestured to him and I, "is new." I said. He smiled slightly exposing his jowls, the shadow of the bar covering us.

"I was figuring you out, honestly." He took a big gulp of his drink, I followed the same action. I was starting to feel a little fuzzy.

"And what did you figure out, Mr. Potter?" I chuckled taking another big gulp, he raised his eyebrows laughing with me.

"I probably should have told you there's alcohol in this." He continues grinning, I looked down at the actual "beer" in front of me in shock.

"I've never drank before. In America we have to be twenty-one." Harry frowned at my statement.

"That sounds terrible." He cringed still laughing at me, then sitting forward looking into my eyes.

"I'm intrigued." He said watching me, I bursted out laughing.

"Intrigued? What on Earth is intriguing about me?" I questioned gulping down my beer, Madam Rosmerta passed by and agreed to bring me another.

"You're funny, smart, good to my friends, especially Hermione, she definitely needed a girlfriend," I laughed at Harry's remark and shook my head in humor, "and you're beautiful." Harry flirted, I smiled and put my hands out like show hands.

"So, are you telling me you fancy me?" I flirted back with a giant grin, he chuckled.

"Let's get back in time for the drawing." Harry's smile was still there, he rose from his chair and I followed stumbling on the leg of it. I covered my mouth in embarrassment, as I realized I didn't bring any money.

"Harry, I didn't bring any money. I didn't know where you were taking me." I said to him, he waved it off.

"I planned on paying." He said as we walked to the bar, Madam Rosmerta gave him the price of our tab and he pulled some coins out and handed it to her.

"You come back now. I like you guys." Madam Rosmerta had her hands on her hips again smiling at me, I waved goodbye and went out the door with Harry.

"Well... thank you." I said tucking my hair behind my ear while staring at the ground, I looked up at the sky and it was getting darker, and the village wasn't as crowded as it was earlier. Harry looked down at me from my left.

"Those ears." He flirted once again touching my earrings, his fingers grazed my neck and made me push his hand away laughing loudly.

"What is your obsession with my ears?" I stated scratching the spot he tickled on my neck, I heard him laughing from my side as I watched the cobblestone road we headed back down. Once we reached the common room we went our separate ways to change for the night, tonight was the night The Triwizard champions would be announced. We met back in the common room to walk together to the Great Hall. Once we entered with other students we searched for Ron and Hermione and placed ourselves next to them.

"Where have you been?" Hermione asked me, I ran my fingers through my sort of messy hair from the wind outside the bar.

"A place called The Three Broomsticks?" I burped in the middle of my sentence, she raised her brow.

"Are you drunk?" She asked, I giggled and shook my head.

"No." I said laughing still.

"Yes." She said tilting her head.

"No." I argued back.

"Yes." She argued back.

"Okay. Maybe." I gave in.

"How many did you have?" She asked.

"Like three, I believe," I trailed off into thought to count then looked back at her, "yeah, three."

"Is that where you and Harry went?"

"Maybe." I laughed again, she rolled her eyes trying not to laugh as well.

"Everyone settle down." Professor Dumbledore said walking through the room in front of us making hand gestures. He turned around to face all of the students standing next to the Goblet. The room with lit with blue from the fire, and everything had a grey tint to it. Slightly depressing.

"The Champion selection!" He said, everyone fell silent. Dumbledore held his hand in the air and it turned red and spit out a small piece of paper, he grasped it and unfolded it.

"Viktor Krum!" The other side of the room filled with the boys from Durmstrang cheered and patted his back with excitement. Viktor rose from the seat and greeted Dumbledore, then headed to the front of the room. The Goblet spit out three more names, all of them aligned next to each other at the front. The room cheered and everyone started clapping, until it turned red once more... spitting out one more name. Dumbledore grabbed it confused, along with us and the rest of the faculty. He looked up worried.

"Harry Potter..." He said. My blood went cold and I immediately sobered up, I turned to my right looking past Ron and at Harry, he was looking around the room terrified. He didn't move. Seamus grabbed his arm and forced Harry to his feet, Harry was still glued to the bench, he then moved to Dumbledore. Dumbledore watched Harry closely, Snape and everyone followed.

"He's a cheat!" Someone yelled from the student area.

"He's not even seventeen yet!" Another yelled. My heart dropped to the floor. This can't be happening, I thought to myself. Mcgonagall placed her hand on Harry's shoulder, trying to keep him calm, letting him know it's okay. The room stayed silent and we got dismissed, I was fighting the crowd trying to reach Harry, as him and the faculty disappeared from my sight.

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