Karen and ?

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A few days later I was getting my math book out of my locker when Karen walked up to me.

"So you're still going right?"

"To the Halloween party? Yeah, I'm going with some friends."

"Hey Ellie? Can I tell you something?" I nodded. She leaned in and whispered, "I think your friend Marwan is really cute."

"Wait really? I mean you could always just talk to him I mea-"

"Regina can't know. But I was wondering if you could help introduce me or something?"

"Yeah, of course. I have to go now but I'll see you later!"

"Bye Ellie!" She turned around and skipped off.

I walked to math and sat down with the rest of the guys when surprise! New seating chart! I sighed and stood up to find my new seat. I was somewhat near Kevin, but Marwan was a little harder to reach and Tyler was on the opposite side of the room. Oh well. I opened my notebook and started to work on the practice problems when the boy in front of my turned around.

"Hey, have you done number 3 yet? I'm kinda stuck."

"Oh yeah. Here." I flip my paper around to show him the problem. "So you're squaring the equation. So the way I did it, I rewrote the equation and rationalized the denominator. Then I simplified the root, expanded the expression and just reduced it. See? Easy."

"Wow, you're really smart. Thanks!" He smiled, "I'm Aaron."

"Ellie. Nice to meet you." He turned around. I looked at Kevin and he raised an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes and continued working on the problems.

After class, I met up with the guys before leaving the room. Outside of the room I saw Aaron talking to Regina with Gretchen and Karen behind her. I walked pass them and smiled at Karen. Once in the cafeteria I decided to ask Marwan.

"Hey Marwan, what do you think of Karen?"

"What about her? She's pretty."

"But like would date her."

"Yeah, who wouldn't?" He paused, "She's really sweet. She's in a class of mine and she's actually kind of smart, well at some things. I just don't think I'm her type, you know?" I nod. "Why? Did she say something?"

"She mentioned wanting to get to know you or something." I looked over at where the Plastics were sitting. It was a Wednesday so the three of them were dressed head to toe in pink. "She also said you were cute." I turned my attention back to the guys and I noticed Marwan's face got red.

"Oooh Marwan's got a crush." Tyler said, acting like a five year old.

"Oh shut up Tyler we all know y-" Marwan started but stopped abruptly when Tyler gave him a look. Apparently Tyler almost had a thing with this one girl, Caitlyn, but things just didn't pan out. I think we can all agree he still likes her though.

"Anyway! So, would you maybe want me to introduce you two? Like I don't know, help get the ball rolling?"

"Yeah, that would be great. Thanks Ellie."

"Speaking of Karen and just the Plastics in general." Kevin spoke up and looked at me, "Aaron. Be careful."

"The guy I helped in math? Why?"

"He's dating Regina."

"Okay. And?" I don't get it, why is everyone so scared of Regina.

"Just make sure people don't think something's going on there." He said. And yeah, makes sense. "Oh and by the way, I heard you explaining that problem to him, you really know your stuff." The other two looked at me quizzically. I haven't spoken much in class yet so I guess that makes sense. I just shrugged.

"What can I say? I'm a woman of many talents."

The bell was about to ring so I started to throw away the rest of my lunch and I happened to meet Karen at the garbage.

"So?" She asked, trying to not look too interested in being near me.

"Yeah, he definitely likes you." She smiled at me.

"Come on Karen, let's go." Regina called. Karen waved at me and went back to her friends. I walked back to where my friends were and I picked up my backpack.

"Ready?" Tyler asked.

"Yep." And we walked over to the gym for PE.

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