Shower together

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Richard keeps washing my hair and rubbing my head smoothly and I can't believe how good it feels. I still haven't managed to process completely what just happened between us. Is he my boyfriend from now on? Or is it too soon to talk about stuff like this? Maybe I should just shut my mind up for a second and enjoy his touch.

- "I hope I'm not hurting you. And tell me if the water's too hot or too cold, anything-"

- "Everything's fine. Relax and keep doing what you're doing.", I comfort him, having my eyes shut and I lean my head a little bit to the back.

- "So that you know, I'm okay with all the 'servant' situation. It's the least I can do to fix the mess I've caused.", I hear him from behind.

- "Don't worry Richard. I'm not mad, nor vengeful. Let's just agree that you being under my service is both comforting for me and the best way possible for us to function as a couple.". Oops. I just exposed my thoughts to him and it got awkward too soon. Here it is. The blushing.

Richard stops for a second and chuckles to my disclosure. He hugs me and rests his head on my right shoulder. His breath behind my ear makes my desire come back to the surface.

- "Why do I have a feeling that what you just said was intentional?"

- "No, it really wasn't.", I try to excuse myself. "I- I don't know why I said that."

- "Oh, I have a small theory, if you don't mind.", he smiles foxily.

- "What theory.", I wonder.

- "You've wanted to be my girlfriend the entire time, haven't you? Even when you were mad at me, you still wanted us to happen." He nibbles my earlobe and whispers. "You loooove me."

- "Or maybe the whiskey messed with your head and it's all just a theory of an alcoholic.", I suggest raising my eyebrow mockingly.

- "An alcoholic with a great sensitivity for the environment."

I frown.

- "How's the environment any relevant right now?"

- "Uhm, yeah it is.", he stands up and undoes his shirt's buttons. I gulp. "All this time, we are spending countless amounts of water for you and your majesty, when we could have just saved water by showering together.", he explains, looking straight into my eyes while stripping out of his clothes.

- "Don't tell me that you'll do that.", I blush, hiding my eyes with my hand.

- "Watch me."

He bites his lip and takes off his wet pants and his boxers, smiling proudly. Oh dear lord, he's crazy, it's official. But I love his crazy attitude and everything about him. It makes him who he is and I can't help but observe his body, head to toe.

Richard goes under the tap and lets the water flow down his chest, his abs, his legs. I have to admit that he's really good at the art of seduction. All I can do is watch him wash himself and act casually, like he hasn't just got me super horny. I look away.

- "Oh, sorry, I forgot that you still haven't finished your shower, I'm such an egoist sometimes.", he apologizes in a derisive tone and I roll my eyes. "Here, hold my hand and use this handle for extra support.", he points at the shower wall and I stand up slowly.

- "Thanks."

I hold his hand and I lean against the wall. He puts some shower gel on my breast and starts rubbing it in silence. I detect a devilish smile and I try to hide mine.

- "What's so funny crazy pants?"

- "You couldn't make it more obvious that you are erect."

- "How did you-" I look at my nipples and I grin. Richard wide grin makes me blush like a tomato. "It's the cold!"

- "Sure, I'm with you. It's the 'cold'.", he puts his last words into brackets with his fingers and I make a funny grimace of disapproval.

- "We should finish showering some time today. Don't forget that we are not alone here."

- "Woah, does someone else want to join our steamy shower session? Who are you hiding in the closet Anna? Paul? Definitely Paul.", he acts frightened and laughs at me. I throw him a light punch on the chest, bursting into laughter too.

- "For the love of God, please don't drink again."

- "My girl, ladies and gentlemen. Always a party killer."

Ten minutes later, we finish showering and we haven't stopped making jokes to each other. Both wearing our bathrobes, we head to my bedroom and I bend over to reach the clothes I was wearing before; my red sweater and my black leggings. Richard takes a seat at the opposite side of the room and hasn't taken his eyes off of me.

- "Could you please look away for a minute? I'm shy."

- "You gotta be kidding me, girl.", he protests. "Come here. You're hurt and you need help to get dressed." He approaches me and takes my underwear.

- "I can put my panties on my own, mister.", I look up awkwardly. "Thanks for the offer though."

- "I highly doubt that.", he comments kneeling down and helps me slip into my underwear. He takes off my bathrobe and kisses my cheek softly. "You are so beautiful, Anna. Never let anyone tell you otherwise."

- "Same to you Richard. You deserve more than you give credit yourself for." I smile and caress his wet hair. "I love you."

- "I love you too baby girl." He grins happily and kisses me for several seconds, before he continues dressing me. When I get fully dressed into my clothes, I grab my crutches and I open the door.

- "The guys have planned a private concert for me downstairs. You'll join us, right?"

- "Private concert, huh? Those cheeky fuckers. There can't be a concert without me!", he cavils pretending to be hurt.

- "They didn't invite you here because they were worried about me and my mental health. I was somehow tense some hours ago."

- "I understand, don't worry. It just bugs me that they didn't even inform me that you were here. Nevertheless, we are together now and that's what matters.", he winks. "Everything happens for a reason."

- "So true.", I agree. "Oh and uhm, can we hide from them what happened between us in there?", I point at the bathroom. "I want it to be a surprise. Let's just tell them that we talked and we are in good terms from now on." I smile. "Pleeease?"

- "It would be fun messing with them for a while. Distract them till I'm ready. I'm going to make one hell of an entrance."

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