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  I should have thought it better before I opened my eyes. I couldn't help waking up instantly though, because Reise, Reise started playing from a radio right next to my ear. I'm laying on a mattress onto the wooden floor and the only thing that lightens the room is a small candle next to the mattress. I have a hard time moving, because my arms are tied behind my back and all I can do is sneak like a lizard to stand up. I quickly realize that I'm kept as a hostage in a basement, or maybe a quest room, not entirely sure yet. Panic starts to overwhelm me as I remember last night's events. There was that man in the park.. I asked for directions.. and then chloroform.. Oh fuck.

  - "Help!! Somebody help me!", I try shouting, but no sound comes out of my mouth, as my kidnapper muted me. Perfect.

  - "Well well, look who's awake!"

  I turn my head quickly and reality hits me. I can't believe it. It can't be real. He's wearing a dark green sweater and black jeans. He turns off the radio and cozily sits on the mattress in front of me. I must be dreaming, or hallucinating. As I can't speak or shout, a tear finds it's way down my cheek, sobbing silently.

  - "Now, why are you giving me a hard time young lady? You're crying because I got you all tied up, or because of the fact that it's me who kidnapped you?" I avoid his look and stare at the floor, shaking.

  - "..Or maybe both, I suppose.", he playfully grimaces. He lifts my head up with his index finger and makes me look at him straight in the eyes. It's true. He is Richard. My kidnapper is Richard Kruspe. Oh God, no.

  - "If I take that off of your mouth, do you promise that you won't scream, or worse, spit on my face?" I slowly nod yes, trying not to laugh at that last phrase, even though I'd love to spit him.

  - "Alrighty then", he adds, and quickly, yet painfully, removes the grey tape off my mouth.

  - "Ouch!", I shout, due to the sudden pain.

  - "Hey, you promised not to shout.", he complains.

  - "Oh, you think that's the most important thing at the moment? Everything else is pretty fine to you?" He doesn't reply. "Look at me, man! I'm tied in a basement!", anger fills my eyes.

  - "You don't say!", he mimics my tone. "I did that to you for a purpose." His hands make their way through his hair and sighs, eyes trailing all over my body.

  - "And the purpose is..?", I demand, lifting my eyebrows up.

  - "I need your name first, little girl. No need to introduce myself though, standing in the fact that I can almost see you drooling from lust.", he smirks.  

  - "Anna..", I whisper. "And you're Richard Kruspe.. from Rammstein.", I say sadly, earning a proud smile from him.

  - "So.. Anna.. It may be hard for you to digest, but there's no way you'll ever escape from me. Ever."

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