Help me

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  "Wakey wakey, sleepyhead!"

  His voice is coming from a distance and I can feel it approaching me. His footsteps on the wooden floor are heavy and from what it sounds, he's holding some plates. I slowly open my eyes and try to move my hands and feet, failing completely. He's talking again.

  - "Ah, Richard. Always a show-off.", he moves his head negatively, leaving the plates on the table and carefully removing the rope off my hands. "I hope he didn't hurt you."

  I know this guy. It's Oliver. Rammstein's bassist. Wow.

  - "Are you.. are you Oliver?", I hesitate, rubbing my arms to eliminate the pain from the rope.

  - "The one and only, my lady.", he waves playfully with his two fingers, in a 'peace out' position. He picks a chair and sits down, examining me. "You must be Anna."

  - "He talked to you about me?", I ignore his ascertainment.

  - "Richard? Well, yeah, he told me a couple of stuff about you. And he was damn right." He stops for a second and then continues. "Nice to meet you, by the way."

  - "Oh, uh, yes, nice to meet you too, Oliver.", I half smile. "See, I have trouble introducing myself properly, when I'm tied up like a medieval witch, ready to be set on fire.", I joke, trying to remove the rope off my legs too.

  - "Do you get tied up often?", he smiles.

  - "Nah, not that much, but I think I gotta get used to it someday. Could you please give me a hand with this?..", I ask him, pointing at the rope.

  - "I'm not allowed to do so. Not if it's not important."

  - "Really? Then why did you untie my hands?", I shake my hands in the air for emphasis and he laughs, holding his head.

  - "So that you could eat breakfast. You don't want me to feed it to you, do you?", he mocks me, smirking.

  - "Whatever, I appreciate it Oliver.", I thank him and I bend over, to reach the plate.

  I start chewing the food like I hadn't eaten for a week. It's not something too extraordinary, but eggs and bacon have always been on the top of my list. Not complaining. I sneak a peek on Oliver, who's opening his backpack and he places some clothes on the mattress.

  - "Richard delegated me to hand you these clothes. I suppose they fit you well."

  - "Thank him, but I don't think I'll ever use them. Today is the day I'm going back to my dorm."

  He gives me a surprised look.

  - "Did he say so? That you can return to your dorm?"

  - "No, duh, but I'm gonna. And you'll be the one that will help me out."

  - "What? No, no.. Kruspe is the boss in this case. I'm just keeping an eye on you while he's out for business.", he opposes to my command.

  - "Are you serious?? Do you believe that keeping me a hostage is right?", I snap, surprisingly standing up on my feet, leaning on the wall for extra help.

  - "I don't believe that any of this right Anna, okay?", he blows some air out, still sitting on the chair. "It's just none of my business to set you free. It's all on Richard. And trust me, all of us have to be on his side for this."

  - "Why? Why the hell is this such a big deal? Why me?". I can feel my voice getting higher and Oliver waves to lower it. He stands up.

  - "Because! Because.. he fancies you Anna. My job here is done. Don't try anything drastic, for your own good. Trust me."

  His eyes somehow assure me that everything is going to be alright and he leaves the room with the same heavy footstep as before. Will it be alright, though?

Toxic [Richard Kruspe]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt