How We Met

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Blaine, Kurt and Nick walked together, laughing at the two cousins in front of them who were clinging to each other as all five of them walked towards Barry's second work place. They were singing uptown girl which reminded Blaine of the surprise he got when he first saw Barry in the Dalton uniform; that was the night Klaine found out about and met Sebastian. Barry let go of Jeff's arm as the other three approached and he sped in front of the building towering over them. He spread his arms open as if presenting them with a masterpiece. "Guys, welcome to STAR Labs!" They all chuckled at him as he led them to the cortex. "Yo! Team Flash! I brought guests!" Jeff burst out laughing. "Yo? Seriously Barry, I thought I was supposed to be the cringy one in the duo." Their husbands behind them chuckled at their behaviour as they approached Barry's two friends. "Cisco, Caitlin, meet my cousin Jeff and his husband Nick." Jeff, who had jumped on Barry's back sometime after entering the building, got off and clinged to his husband. "And those two handsome gents are the glorious Kurtie and Blainey Days." Blaine shook his head with a smile as he put his hand out to Cisco who did the same. "Blaine Anderson, nice to finally meet you. Barry's told us so much about you guys." Cisco laughs. "All good things I hope and like wise." As we all settled down, they all started talking and the speedster got asked about how he met Klaine. "Well, growing up, me and Jeff had always been extremely close. When my mom was still alive she used to call us twins because we were so alike. We were the first people to find out of the other's sexuality and I was the first to find out about Niff. One day, Joe took me to Ohio to visit and dropped me outside the Dalton building. This was before my diagnosis and Klaine were both still attending the private school. I knew by instinct to go where the Warblers usually rehearsed and walked in to see the sunflower couple singing some sappy duet, I forget which. As they went to start another verse, I cut in and Jeff literally jumped on me. He introduced me to the glee club who I actually hadn't met before then since I'd only visit Niff before their usual practice time. I caught the two staring at me and I hid behind Jeff who just smirked and introduced us. We hit it off straight away and they asked me out before I left that evening. We kept it on the down low so people wouldn't get involved in our lives. When I moved to Ohio, Sebastian ended up front stuck a lot and became a bit of a bully just because he was trying to protect me. He got caught by the New Directions flirting with Blaine and so Kurt got defensive so no one got suspicious. Both me and Seb thought it was funny so we purposefully flirted with Blaine and Kurt would act protective. Every mean thing I - or rather Seb - did was planned, even the slushy incident. I mean, I'd love to show off the two loves of my life but if I have to hide our relationship then so be it because with them, I'm happy." Cisco was smiling while crying and they all had a group hug.

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