Coffee Shop

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Barry said hello to his best friend, Iris, as he entered Jitters. "Hey, Bear. I thought you were going straight to STAR Labs after work?" He chuckled. "Well... That was the plan but I got a call from the sunflower couple." There was a playful scoff from behind him. "Not an insult if we like it. Plus, blonde and brunette? I think the name makes sense." Jeff lead the other five Warblers into the coffee shop and surrounded Barry before they had a group hug. Iris told them to sit as she got them all an iced flash. She returned with the drinks and, at that moment, Kurt and Blaine entered the shop. They pushed Jeff and Thad away from either side of Barry so they could sit with their husband. Kurt clung to his arm. "Barry, Barry, Barry! Did you get the email? Are you going? Please come with us! I don't care if we hide our marriage, I just want you to go!" Barry gave a weak chuckle. "Yes, Kurtie I'm going. Can we not talk about it now though? Sebastian already fronted once today; literally just before I got here." Blaine kisses Barry's cheek and agrees. Barry smiles and leans into Kurt before having an idea. "Cisco and Caitlyn know about you all and vice versa so how about you come with me to the lab? It's not like you don't know about my other job." Kurt strokes Barry's cheek with his thumb as they cuddle. "If that's what you want baby then that's what we'll do." Jeff scoffs as the others laugh. "And you say we're bad." Nick chuckles at his boyfriend before finishing his drink. The other Dalton boys finish theirs before saying they were going to head back. "See you at the reunion guys!" Wes yells before running out of the shop, the others following suit. Barry, Klaine and Niff went to the counter to pay Iris back for the drinks. They leave Jitters and head to STAR Labs, all smiling and laughing.

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