Chapter 1

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Alexandra POV
I hit the snooze button on my alarm clock and laid back down until I heard, "Fuckin cow get your Fatass down here and start making breakfast slut!" Yell my sweet loving brother. Note the sarcasm. I got up took a 5 min freezing cold shower because my family doesn't think I'm worthy of warm water. Once I got out I brushed my hair quickly and got dressed in my old baggy clothes. I went down the stairs of the attic to the second floor. Yes I did say attic, you see my family don't like me so they came me up in the attic away from them. But let me introduce myself my name is Alexandra Gonzalez, I have dark brown hair with violet eyes with little specks of grey in them, I'm 5'1, I'm 15, and I have a little baby fat still. I get abused by my family and pack. Oh and yeah I'm a werewolf and part of the Midnight Pack.
Anyways back to the present, while I was about to start walking down the second floor to the kitchen one of my lovely sisters ,please note my sarcasm once again, pushed me down. I tumbled down the stairs all the way to the bottom and tried to stand up but once I did I felt a sting on my right cheek with something running down it. I looked up to see my 'mother' with an angry expression.
I put my hand on my cheek to see what was running down it and brought my hand in front of my face to see it was blood. "What the fuck took you so long bitch!" My caring 'mother' said, you see how much I keep using sarcasm.
"I-I'm sorry" I said tears pooling in the brim of my eyes.
"I don't care if your sorry just get into the damn kitchen and cook us some breakfast!" She yelled pointing towards the kitchen. I nodded in response and spurred into the kitchen and started cooking. When I finished I got one strip of bacon, got my backpack, and started my 40 min to school. Once I got there I saw everyone surrounding the soon-to-be-alpha , Andrew Jackson. I forgot today is his 17birthday, the day he finds his mate. I kept a far distance from them and walked to my locker. On the way there I got called names and pushed around. When I closed my locker I smelly the most amazing sent and sniffed again. I followed the sent and looked to see Andrew at the end of the hall making out with one of my sisters, Amanda. My smile instantly turned into a frown and Andrew sniffed and locked eyes with mine. I had a tiny bit of hope that hope that he'll actually accept me but that was shattered a soon as he said "You have to fucking kidding me! Out of all the girls in the pack it had to be the ugly ass cow!" He said looking at me ,everyone around started laughing goo thing this is an all werewolf school, but he still wasn't finished "Okay let get this over with, I Andrew Jacob Jackson future alpha of the Midnight Pack, reject you, Alexandra Jade Gonzalez as my mate and future Luna of the Midnight Pack." he finished and automatically my hand went to my heart and fell to the ground I saw him scoff and turned and started making out with Amanda again. I turned to my brother Ace and my sister Adalynn for help but instead Adalynn said" I'm embarrassed to actually be related to you" and with that she left.

Ace was about to leave too but not before he said" Why were you even born? It's obvious no one likes you. You should just do everyone a favor and go die" Everyone just left instead of helping me so it took a while to get up. When I finally got up, I shifted to my wolf and ran back 'home'. Nobody knows I've shifted yet, I shifted when I was 13 years old. They're all stupid since they never noticed. When I got 'home' I was happy nobody was there, I ran up to my room and started packing to leave this hell hole. I was in the middle of packing, when the words everyone has ever said to me;
'Go die no one wants you'
'Worthless slut' and etc.
So I decided that I'm going to do what everyone wanted me to do from the start. I went to my dresser and got out the tube of silver and wolfsbane, paper ,and pen. I started writing saying;
Dear sorry excuse of a pack,
Well you guys finally got your with I'm gone forever. All I wanted to say was whatever I did to have you all hate me, I'm sorry. To my parents I want to say; why did you hurt you own child physically and mentally. Why did you let anyone else do that to. To my siblings; I'm sorry I couldn't be who you all wanted me to be. And to my 'mate'; I hope your happy with all your sluts you
manwhore. Once again I'm sorry for being a mistake and disappointment.
And with that I drank the wolfsbane.


I know we were a bit harsh, okay really harsh on Alexandra but she'll get over it she always does. I decided I'm going to leave school early to go apologize to my baby sister. The only reason we all hurt her is to try and get a reaction out of her to see if it triggers her to finally change into her wolf like all of us did when we were 10 years old. Anyways while I was parking in the drive way I saw the door wide open. I got a little worried because Alexandra can't protect herself with her wolf. I walked in carefully and wearily said" Alexandra are you up there?" No response. "Alexandra...?" No answer I got more worried and went up to the attic (AKA her bedroom). I tried opening the door but found it locked. I stepped back and kicked down the door. What I saw broke my heart, I saw Alexandra on the floor barely breathing and really pale, a tube in her open hand, with a bag and little amount of clothes spread on her bed.
I ran to her and mind linked the pack doctor 'Doctor hurry come quick to my house' I then mind linked my family and alpha 'Guys come quick something happened to Alexandra' and with that I cut off the link and felt tears on my cheeks.

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